amazing porteau night dive

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I wanna go diving.....
I had no idea that there were so many octos out at porteau. few weeks ago I found some out at furry creek, that was a sweet dive - blue phosphoresence too which was pretty neat.
S. Starfish: i'm up for a dive on Tuesday night, but porteau is a ways to go for a night dive during a weeknight :)

I'd be all for it, except I'm instructing that night. This is the trap I've fallen into, lots of instructing dives not enough fun dives. Some other time would be cool though.

I remember the last night dive I did at porteau, it was a week night and we didn't want to be out too late so we set out early. We made pretty good time and were pulling out of porteau by 2100, the disaster stuck. An accident on the highway a few km south of porteau - right at the bend where the white cross is - we didn't get back until 2am. It sucked.
Gah, S. Starfish, you suck. You're instructing ME on tuesday. That oughta be fun. come on!! I'm insulted.
I'm gonna break up with you over the internet for that one. :D
*Hides in closet and sobbs*

Tuesday's gonna be fun! I'm excited.
Hehehe. I'm excited too. :wub: Yay for rescuing people!

S. Starfish and I are total dorks, in case you haven't noticed yet.

Hijacking threads is fun. Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program...

porteau cove is awesome. I didn't know there were that many octos there either. That's cool. Ryan, you'll have to show them to me some day!
S. Starfish and I are total dorks, in case you haven't noticed yet.

Really? You don't say.:popcorn:

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