I guess I left out one important part. Am I safe to fly? I drive a rather hilly route to and from work, and I do know I can equalize my ears. I've had no ear pain or pressure over the last three months. I can even test with a VERY carefully performed Valsalva or Frenzel to ensure that I can clear easily. The ENT I saw a week ago cleared me to fly, but keep in mind he also said I can dive. That said, I'd like some more input/advice.
I fly out in 18 hours, so time is of the essence. My thoughts were to load up on antihistamines and pick up a pair of Ear Planes (ear plugs). Either way, should I be OK? Any other advice?
This one can't be safely answered over the internet. For flying, I would go by what you have been told by your ENT physician(s). If you still aren't sure, a call do Dr. Pilati's office may be in order.