rmediver2002 once bubbled...
Just kidding buddy, no need to soak in the suit!!!
Jeff Lane
Ya big spoilsport
Mike you'll love this stuff. After you get your c-card make sure you dive quite a bit this summer. It's pretty important to keep up your newly learned skills. I Just dove with a young lady that was certified back in march and did her first dive since this week. She had some problems mostly due to her nerves. As we were getting her out of the water after the dive she said "I told my dad we should have been diving all along".
In the off season we dive 2-3 times a month. During the season we dive most days. On vacation that is all we do is dive. We even flew our bikes to Maui and haven't ridden them once. We just dive. Well I eat, but only to prepare myself to dive again.
Welcome and enjoy