Someone asked for the party line on steel tanks and wetsuits.
I simply gave it based on both documentation I have come across and classroom experience with more than one GUE instructor. The arguers picked up the slack at that point as they always do which is why I stated that I was posting against my better judgement. I addressed the issue of exceptions to the rules to no avail.
I was proven right yet again. Endless arguements may be part of internet so called "DIR" (that's arguable) culture but as Tom says I think you will find this attitude missing in the vast majority of active GUE members, especially those at a higher level.
With that said I really am beginning to see the benefit of the standard, "Take a fundamentals course.", line. I think I will use it more often.
Since you have brought the subject up regarding this being an issue on all message boards I will adress it. No, we don't seem have this problem at all on our board.
I am not sure why but I would guess it is a combination of not taking an us vs them attitude about DIR by giving it it's own unique forum, the requirement that you not hide your skill and name, and the fact that we have a GUE instructor who luckily likes the board enough to make regular apprearances and help out members with questions. I guess it is a little easier and less controversial to take advice from someone who teaches a fundamentals course vs a person who has yet to pass one.
What do you think?