Alternate Air Source Integration

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Little Rock, AR
I have already posted a question relating to buying a BC for the first time. I thought it would be good to start another relating to to pros and cons of integrating the second stage with the BC inflator. During classes I used the integrated system and couldn't imagine life any other way. But before I buy, I wanted more opinions on the subject.
Yo Bob,

I have used and really still use both. I like the less clutter of an integrated octo, but since I have to deal with students, I have to have a seperate one. WHen I dive my Chute II, I just use an octo... mostly with students. When I dive my OMS IQ, I dive an integrated octo. I also have a pony that sometimes goes with the IQ set up, and having yet another octo would be TOOOOOO much.
One less hose to rupture

nice compact design

easy to use quickly due to the fact your familiar where its at and it is also the inflator/deflator(no stumbling around for octo)

more streamlined package

If your buddy has an out of air situation you have to pass off your primary to your buddy and breath off your safe second(good or bad depending on how you look at it)

Doesnt breathe as easy as an octo at depth but will get you to the surface.

My head is limited when breathing off of it as far as turning my head and looking around

Have to keep buddy in close proximity as you surface(basically facing each other as you ascend)

In conclusion you have to remember that is used for an emergency out of air situation or primary regulator failure.It is not made to breathe off regulary as you would your primary.Its job is to get you to the surface.Hopefully you will never need it but if you do its there.It would be nice to have an octo with a nice long hose to give you and your buddy some room.Its definitely a personal choice of which one you like.If i had to do it over again i would buy my same set up.I figure if im going to have an extra reg and hose strapped to me i want it to be from my pony,a totally independent system.You will find many different opinions on this subject.Read them and weigh the pros and cons of what you want then decide.
Originally posted by bobafett21
but before I buy, I wanted more opinions on the subject.
Bob.... how are you at buoyancy control?
How are you doing with slow ascents dumping air from the BC?
Can you control your ascent stopping at the safety without overshooting it and then continuing at a snail's pace to the surface... dumping air from the BC to keep things under control since it is expanding as you ascend???

Good.... keep that process in mind.

Now imagine doing that while trying to share air....

You have given your primary regulator away... or it was taken away and you are breathing off of your integrated inflator/second stage.

Play through the ascent scenario in your mind.

Now imagine that you decided not to give up your primary but instead the OOA leech is sucking off of your integrated inflator/second stage.

Play through the ascent scenario in your mind.
We covered this last week for another new member to the board. Click this link to read what was said then:

In that thread is another link (posted by me) to a longer discusion on this topic we did in December/January.

Feel free to read all of that and then come back here with your questions.

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