Akumal Beach Resort Dive Shop?

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Hailey, Idaho
# of dives
200 - 499
My wife, myself, and my son are staying at the Akumal Beach Resort this May. I am the only diver but my son wants to try a resort course to see if he likes it. Does any one have any comments on the dive shop (Mr Diver/Venta Diving) at the resort? Can anyone tell me if there is an independent dive shop in walking distance to the Akumal Beach Resort?
I have done a couple of cenote dives in the past and hope to do another one in addition to ocean dives with my son.
My wife, myself, and my son are staying at the Akumal Beach Resort this May. I am the only diver but my son wants to try a resort course to see if he likes it. Does any one have any comments on the dive shop (Mr Diver/Venta Diving) at the resort? Can anyone tell me if there is an independent dive shop in walking distance to the Akumal Beach Resort?
I have done a couple of cenote dives in the past and hope to do another one in addition to ocean dives with my son.

We are staying at Akumal Beach Resort as well, May 9-14. Have been to Akumal a few times, and there are three dive shops within walking distance. Have never stayed at Akumal Beach Resort and we are wondering how the resort dive shop is ourselves...
Maybe we will see you there.
We are staying from May 15 - 22. Make sure you leave some Margaritas for the next guests.
There are a couple of dive shops within a 10 min walk from the Akumal Beach Resort, Akumal Dive center, Dive Akumal are north and Villas Derosa are south.
http://www.info-akumal.com/ has some good info about Akumal.

I enjoyed some nice Cenote dives with Akumal Dive Center. They also do reef dives. They about 5 minutes walk north on the beach from Akumal Beach Resort. Nice strolling distance for evening walks, but further than I would want to haul gear.

While staying in Akumal about 3 years ago, I checked about ABR and the dive shop. At that time, they looked like most high end onsite dive shops -- oriented towards occasional divers and resort/discover scuba. The only unusual thing I noticed was that they were well set up to handle Italian tourists, with PADI manuals in Italian and most gear in metric.
We are staying from May 15 - 22. Make sure you leave some Margaritas for the next guests.
Yeah, we are doing a 12 day trip, the first 6 in Akumal, the next 6 in Cozumel. We'd stay an xtra day to say hi, but we are already booked with Blue XTSea in Coz. We will make sure that the blenders are tuned up, and the tequila is standing by for you!
You might take a look at www.locogringo.com and click on Akumal, then the aerial foto tour, then on Akumal bay. From there you can click on the Akumal beach Resort, and various dive shops and restaurants. Have fun! :crafty:
We will also be in Akumal at the Vista Del Mar Condos, May 7-14 before heading over to Coz for the next week. We have already booked 6 dives each with Akumal Dive Adventures. We won't be doing any Cenotes this trip but are looking forward to gaining more experience and becoming better divers.
I'll be there the 7th-14th. After looking around and asking on multiple boards I decided on "The Original Akumal Dive Shop"

As a group we seem to be covering all the bases. We should be a good source of information in the future.
DiveDoggie, Swarth, James have great trips and even better dives.
Pez de Diablo, Charlie99 thanks for the imput.
Unlike most of the dive trips I have taken I am not going to book the dives in advance for this one. May should not be the busiest of times in Akumal and hopefully I will not be shut out on the dives. This way I will be able to look the operations over and talk to the people to see how the resort course will be for my son and how I can dive with him after he takes the course. He will be limited in the types of dives he can do and I want to see how I can intergrate my dives with his.

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