Starting December 1, 2008, Bonaire International Airport N.V. will charge each departing passenger a service charge. This service charge amounts to Ang 3.-- and will be added to the existing passenger facility charge (airport tax). This means that departing passengers for domestic destinations will pay Ang 15,50 and Ang 63,50 international destinations . Departing passengers of age 60+ or 12- and who are residents of either the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba and have a domestic destination pay Ang 10.50. Children under 2 years are exempt.
The service charge is charged as of December 1, 2008, due to the deployment of the new AirportConnect CUTE system. CUTE stands for Common Use Terminal Equipment. This is a common use system whereby all airlines can use each of the 12 available check-in counters at the Flamingo Airport. More flexibility is obtained while the processing capacity of passengers at the check-in counters is increased and made more efficient. This leads to a much better service for the departing passenger. The present check-in system works with so called dedicated check-in counters which are only usable by one particular airline and cannot be used by other airlines, thus restricting processing capacity. Furthermore, FIDS, Flight Information Display System will provide a real time display of the status of flights as a service enhancement to our customers. In addition to the scheduled arrival or departure times, information can be displayed such as ťeparted? ťelayed? ţoarding? etc.
As passenger numbers increase and security requirements grow, air travel becomes more stressful and time consuming for passengers. Travellers are looking for an easier, quicker, more efficient passage through the airport.
Bonaire International Airport continues to strive in providing a more efficient and speedier flow while at the same time meeting the passengerÃÔ needs.
Source TCB Bonaire
1 USD=1.78 ANG
Ann Phelan