The depth the DM may have been talking about was probably with regard to first dives. Second dives generally have a floor. There are exceptions, of course but for the most part, that's what happens. You'll likely be doing those 2nd and 4th tanks at reefs with a floor that's above the MOD. Was that DM doing 4 tanks per day? If a DM is doing a 4 tank day, the shop I use sends them out with 2 tanks of nitrox for the 2nd and 4th dives.
Let's assume you decide to dive nitrox one tank out of 4 and the shop knows this. When you ask for tanks of 32%, it may be suggested that you dive that tank on 36% as the cost is the same whether it's 32% or 36% and you'll get a little NDL benefit.
In a vacuum, one can plan just about any mix for any dive. Thing is, you're not diving in a vacuum. There are other divers on the boat. That said, it's not impossible to get on a boat and all the tanks on that boat are Nitrox. The dive plan would take that into consideration. i.e. you won't be diving Devil's Throat that trip.
Contact 3Ps and get their input. My understanding is that they're quick to respond.