My next tech diving question. I have a Suunto Cobra air integrated console computer. I was considering using it as a back up to my Mares Nemo wide for tec 40 and 45. . . . 1. Is this configuration okay? . . .
2. If not, why?
Interesting question. And, it appears that it is subject to interpretation from other posters. So, my answer may not address what you are asking, but I will try to answer - as I understand the question.
My understanding of the question is that you are asking about using a console computer as a back-up to your primary BOTTOM TIMER and DEPTH GAUGE- the Mares Nemo Wide computer - and not as a primary gas supply information source. Honestly, I don't see a real issue. After all, you are essentially taking a back-up bottom timer, so you are doing a 'good thing' And, you are getting the advantage of a digital back-up to your SPG. As a caveat - I don't think you are suggesting that you would be diving without a SPG as you primary source of gas supply data. If you are, I see some problems with that - I trust analog gauges more than digital / electronic gauges.
The only issue I see is placement. Which first stage are you going to connect it to? I would imagine that you would hook it up to the right post, with a traditional brass and glass SPG on the left post. Is that correct? if so, good on you in that you are using available equipment.
Personally, I do not particularly like consoles - they are bulky / cumbersome from my perspective - and I really don't like consoles used in a technical rig. But, that is a personal preference, and you are not in any way bound by my individual idiosyncracies.

I actually use a Suunto transmitter on my right post, and a HeLO2 on my left wrist, as a
back-up bottom timer / computer / wireless air-integrated gas gauge (I like the convenience of rotating my wrist and looking at my pressure, but I still check my SPG regularly). My primary gas supply information comes from a B&G SPG running off the left post. My primary depth / time information comes from my primary computer, on my right wrist.
If my right wrist bottom timer / depth gauge fails, I go to my left wrist bottom timer / depth gauge, call the dive (if we are still on the bottom) and use my back-up computer for depths and deco times. If both fail, I use my buddies depth and run time. If my SPG fails, I use my airless AI pressure data from my HeLO2, and call the dive.