Afternoon vs Morning Dive?

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Dunedin, Florida
# of dives
25 - 49
I was wondering if anyone had comments about diving venice for shark teeth in the afternoon vs the morning. I've only been twice and it seems most divers were leaving the water by early to mid afternoon. I live in the Tampa area and was thinking of taking a half day off work to go dive at Alhambra during the week. How is the diving around 3-4ish in the afternoon? Any reason that I shouldn't do it? I would really like to be able to get out during the week here and there, but it would have to be in the afternoon. Any thoughts would be welcome! Thanks!
I would say the morning would be best. Usually this time of year the seabreeze kicks in the afternoon (from the west) and seas are up.
I don't usually go out until noon at the earliest. Two main drawbacks for me there. One I usually only get one dive in and two more than once I've surfaced into some very nasty weather with lightning and couldn't see land in any direction. Really had to have alot of faith in my compass.
For me its the long haul back across the beach in a zillion degree heat lol. Which is
why I prefer the mornings. But I have gone around noon and 1 pm.
I think weather is certainly the largest factor. Mornings tend to be much calmer, as the day heats up the wind begins to blow bringing up the swells and surge. Another thing I notice is that on clearer days the angles of the sun/shadows in the morning seems to make it easier to see the shapes. AS the sun gets higer / or as the clouds roll in you seem to loose some of the edges a bit. (just me)
When the weather cooperates, it doesn't matter. When we have bad weather, it's more common to be in the afternoon, making morning dives the best choice, but there are times when the pattern is reversed.

This past Saturday, we dived morning and afternoon, logging over 4 hours of bottom time. Weather was perfect, flat calm, no current, no storms, vis of 6 - 8 ft, warm water. If anything, the water close to shore was too warm (89° F). At 20 - 23 feet, the water was 82 - 84° F. What a glorious day!
Thanks Goindrinkn and Walter. I figure I'll play it by ear depending on the weather. Walter, man it was beautiful on Saturday! I was at Sharkey's and got about 3 hrs of bottom time in and absolutely loved it! It was my first time diving there and I am hooked.
I usually plan any shore dive from Venice around the tidal patterns.

I would highly suggest entering the water close to the slack tide or an hour before high tide.

You or someone in your group may have a very difficult time swimming back to shore on the surface as low tide begins.

It can also be a much harder exit during low tide, as the sand bars are closer to the surface and the waves break harder and higher than high tide.

you of course want to plan around weather as well, as some others mentioned.
The past two weekends I had found the the viz is much better in the morning than in the afternoon. Winds pick up started out 10 ft of viz saturday and then less than 6 by the afternoon.

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