I'm pleased to announce that GUE has strengthened it's affiliation with San Diego Underwater Adventures, . Marc Hall is the local GUE instructor in the area but for business reasons he has been out of town so while he is attending to business matters, I will be working with Dr. Bill Creasy offering GUE classes to the San Diego area. Bill is the owner and operator of SDUA and is an awesome guy so please stop by and say hello. I had lunch with Bill yesterday and he truey is offering a fresh and new approach to the dive industry. For example, he has initiated a program of a fixed monthly fee that provides for unlimited trimix and nitrox fills ( standard GUE mixes only ). Dr. Creasy comes from an academic background in that he was a professor at UCLA for nearly 30 years before recently retiring and he brings that important appreciation for academics and training to the dive industry. I look forward to working with Bill, and the rest of the SDUA team to help continue the growth of the San Diego market.
Please contact me or Dr. Creasy for upcoming classes and diving opportunities.
Please contact me or Dr. Creasy for upcoming classes and diving opportunities.