Advise on fins for travel....

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I am looking for a good open heel fin that packs nicely. My USD Blades are light enough but too long to put in my carry on bag. Read a couple ads for the Deep Outdoors fin which might be an option, but have not seen them or talked to anybody who used them.
Any input is appreciated.
Check out Force Fins or Force Fin Pros... They're much shorter than other fins and open-heeled with bungee-straps that allow them to be donned or doffed easily while not slipping off in the water. The US military has recently adopted them as their general issue fin. Since they were originally designed to transfer kicking force from the ankles and lower legs of the developer's wife, who had her ankles crushed in a car accident, Force Fins are low-impact and won't make you ache.

The straps also remove the necessity of adjusting the fit for different boot thicknesses. You can buy padded fabric inserts that resize/cushion the fins for wear with bare feet. The straps clip easily to any attach point - I clip mine to my BCD until I'm actually in the water and remove them before exiting. I feel this decreases my chances of stumbling and falling while flopping about on land.

The fine attitude control and ability to reverse direction without kicking up huge clouds of silt is excellent, probably because there isn't the need to move as much surface area as other fins have.

Perhaps the best part - they're small when compared to other fins and pack very easily.
jets fins are too wide for the fin pockets in my dive case, they're wider than my volo's which barely fit, just a point to remember
I plan on checking out the FF's. Have LDS who offered loner from rental inventory. Only thing, I have pair of splits and paddles. Do I need to learn new finning techniqe?
I plan on checking out the FF's. Have LDS who offered loner from rental inventory. Only thing, I have pair of splits and paddles. Do I need to learn new finning techniqe?
The kick is faster and shallower than is often done with paddles, but without the ankle action of splits. You might want to check out:
which has a “training” video.
Hi Splitlip,

FF takes a bit of getting used to. I usually prefer using my Apollo Bio Blue fins but I have both a FF Excelleration and Foil. I would say don't fight the force fin, allow it to lock your ankle and just kick. You'll realise that instead of using your calf and shin muscles, you'll be using your quads and even your glutes.

The only way I can describe it is like taping a fin to the underside of your foot and the back of your leg while your foot is pointing straight ahead. If I had to bring only one set of travel fins, I'll grab the Foil fin.

Good luck in your search.
Hi Splitlip,

FF takes a bit of getting used to. I usually prefer using my Apollo Bio Blue fins but I have both a FF Excelleration and Foil. I would say don't fight the force fin, allow it to lock your ankle and just kick. You'll realise that instead of using your calf and shin muscles, you'll be using your quads and even your glutes.

The only way I can describe it is like taping a fin to the underside of your foot and the back of your leg while your foot is pointing straight ahead. If I had to bring only one set of travel fins, I'll grab the Foil fin.

Good luck in your search.
Thanks Sang:
So it's more of a flutter kick than anything else?
Hi Splitlip,

It's like a slightly modified flutter kick. you tend to kick real hard down but sort of pull you leg back then kick again rather than a kick down, pump up style.
It takes a bit of getting use to and some people hate the feeling of an ankle lock up but my advice is to try one before anything else.
Force fins are the most expensive fins around and realising later that you hate em after you've bought em is real painful. I find that the force excelleration works much like a paddle fin so it isn't that big of a deal in terms of kicking styles to me.
You either love em or hate them.

When I saw the heading on this post about travel fins my first thought was to recommend force fins based on my experince hauling a full set of dive gear around in a backpack during a couple of 4 month dive tours around SE Asia.

My second thought was that I might as well keep my mouth shut since they have mixed reviews on this board. But since I'm not the only one who feels they are good travel fins.....

First trip I carried force fin pros and was happy with them, much easier to pack than the cressi pro fins I took on the second trip. I will certainly go back to the force fins for future travel, I like the maneuverability compared to longer open heel fins which feel a little sloppy in comparison IMHO.

I find the transition between paddle or split fins to force fins to an easy adjustment to make, just a variation on a standard kick that takes a little practice. It is like SangP said. I prefer frog kick and like the force fins above all other for this although I have yet to try jets.

Good Diving!
I normally have to travel to dive. I am only travelling to dive so I am going to use the best gear available to me - absolutely no compromises.

Need a bigger bag? Get one.

Need to check you fins? Check them.

Just go with the gear you like best.

For me - right now - it is Quattro's, but whatever works for you.

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