Advice Needed: Which reef(s)?

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Oklahoma City, OK
I am going to Occidental Grand in Coz for the week of 10-16 to 10-23.
Will only be doing a couple of dives, and intend to start with a shallow dive first.
As I have only been down on Tormentos reef and Chakanab on a prior trip, I am unfamiliar with what to request. I will do a deeper dive on my second dive (it has been 14 months since my last dive).

Any suggestions? Also, is the on-site dive operation decent? On my last trip to Coz, the divemaster from an in-town operation was downright negligent. Because it has been so long since my last dive I would feel more comfortable with at least a little supervision at first.
HI gem1:
I'm sure you're going to have lots of answers to your post.

First off, since it's been 14 months since your last dive, you need to get back with an instructor in a pool and do a refresher dive before your trip.

Secondly, when you do get to Cozumel you need to dive shallow on the first few dives and not go deep on your second dive, as you said.

I will allow others chime in on the dive op at the resort as I have never used them.

Be careful. Always remember you plan on diving for the rest of your life, and there is no need to rush things on this trip.
Go slow. Be careful, and stay hydrated.
Have fun!
I would agree wholeheartedly with Natasha's comments, especially about doing the refresher course. While I have not used Dive Palancar (the onsite dive operator at the Grand), I have read good comments about them. Depending on how much experience you had prior to your break from diving for the last 14 months and your comfort level after some time in the pool, dives on some of the shallower dive sites only can be accomplished. I believe Dive Palancar comes back to the resort after each dive for the surface interval and you can stagger your dives to only do the trips to the shallower sites during your day. Good luck and have fun.
I am going to Occidental Grand in Coz for the week of 10-16 to 10-23.
Will only be doing a couple of dives, and intend to start with a shallow dive first.
As I have only been down on Tormentos reef and Chakanab on a prior trip, I am unfamiliar with what to request. I will do a deeper dive on my second dive (it has been 14 months since my last dive).

From the tone of what you posted, I'm going to assume that your diving experience before your 14 month hiatus was not that extensive, so I'll agree that a short refresher course certainly couldn't hurt.

The usual model for a Cozumel dive trip is to dive two tanks per outing, with a deep dive first and then a shallow one for nitrogen loading considerations.

More important than which reef you request will be that you make sure that whatever dive company you go out has an accurate assessment of your diving experience. Most operations on Cozumel are adept at dealing with divers of all skills levels and can arrange a trip for you to fit.

One point of curiosity, though - why are you only planning to do "a couple of dives" when you are staying a week in one of the world's top diving destinations?
Just returned from two weeks on my first Cozumel trip - I expect my trip report to be up in a day or so and it will list the sites I dived so that may help.

You've gotten some great advice here already. One thing I think I found in Coz is that there are no bad sites - go with the flow and enjoy your diving!
Ditto on what Natasha said... refresher of some sort is not a bad idea...

Dive Palancar is a good op for you... you don't have to do a 2-tank dive (which usually deep followed by shallow) - you can do a shallow 1-tank, since the boats usually return to the resort for the shore interval after the first (deeper) dive.

I've done about 50 dives in Coz, and I don't think that you could go wrong with any dive there, shallow or otherwise. La Francesca, Santa Rosa... et al
I just got back from Coz. I dove Santa Rosa wall (beautiful) and Tormentos reef. We saw a splendid Toadfish at Tormentos. If I can be any help, let me know.
Hi! I just got back too and it was fantastic! Did 15 dives. One dive that was particularly popular with less experienced divers was Columbia shallows. It is only about 25 feet, relatively calm currents, we would stay down for about 75 minutes, lots to see.

Have fun!

Others have given you good advice on what to do, and I have no information about the "on-site dive operation, so I will cover your other question.

There are MANY great reefs in the waters surrounding Cozumel. Most likely you would be happy with any of the great dive sites. However, if I was asked to recommend one reef, I would say without hesitation "PALANCAR". Palancar reef is a huge reef with a variety of things. There are areas of Palancar referred to as if they were separate reefs. There is Palancar Gardens, Palancar Caves, Palancar Horshoe (Herradura) and I have occasionally seen references to others. I love the hell out of all of these locations.

Our Local Dive Shop owner recommends Santa Rosa and San Francisco reefs (walls). We dove both of those and of course loved them also.

As a newbie or a newly refreshed diver you should probably avoid the more advanced sites like Barracuda to the North and Punta Sur, Maracaibo etc to the south.

Be sure to let the DMs know what your experience level is, what your comfort zone is and don't dive things you are comfortable with.

Whatever you do, have a safe and fun time, then come back and tell us in gushing terms how fantastic it was!!

Gem1 your gonna have a great time at both resort and scuba. My wife and I spent a week at the OCCIDENTAL GRAND in April.
Resort : Only thing you may not like is it not close to town if you want to shop or go into to party. However since it is an ALL INCLUSIVE resort no real reason to leave.
We did get a group of divers to go into town 1 night but spent most nights meeting and making new friends at the resort. We found the staff very friendly and helpful.
The room are VERY nice and EVERYTHING works. Only tip I would give on resort is try not to get bottom floor room as I have heard they could feel damp. The food was very good with lots of choices.

Scuba: Dive Palancar hotel dive op.
These folks are dive op for both the ALLEGRO and GRAND and do 4 dive trip a day and night dives twice a week. You can sign up for any dive time that fits you fancy. Typical is deep dive 9:00 then back to dock of each resort to pick up those wishing to do shallow dive wich makes for nice surface interval. Afternoon dives go pretty much the same way I belive they start at 2:00. VERY short boat rides 5-10 mins since all the great reefs are right out in front of the resort. Typicaly they ask everyone where would you like to go. THERE ARE NO BAD CHOICES. If you get the chance DO the night dive the reefs have whole new look at night. All dives have divemaster in the water with you. Boat usally have like 10-14 people , they have I belive 4 boats so if your looking for a specific dive just talk to them. They were very easy to deal with. I did a trip report link below. Hope this helps

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