Advice needed on shipping tanks

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I think it is time for someone to start a lower mainland dive club. Who can do websites?:dork2:
Thanks Dale, Bradner and Vince...and even you too, Nadwidny :)

It's as Vince says, my 10 year old Hyundai has to move me, my partner, and my apartment in addition to the tanks. The tanks are the very heavy straw that broke my suspension's back.

So, it isn't a "tanks are too heavy" thing. It's a "my car is a POS and I have too much stuff in it" thing. You should've made that clear from the get-go instead of trying to be cute. For the record, I didn't know that Hyundais lasted more that 5 years. The one I owned made it about 3.

Usually when I ship tanks I'm also shipping scooters, cameras, boosters, and a whole lot of other crap. I use Day and Ross in those cases but I'm shipping a crate of 500 lbs so this probably won't work for you. SameDayRiteOWay (the Day and Ross courier division) would work but they only seem to want to work for businesses or those posing as a business (hint). For single tanks I would check out Greyhound or UPS and go with Greyhound, because I hate UPS.

Take out the valve and don't ship it with the tanks. You will have a 50/50 chance that the dip tube will break if you send it with. At least that's been my experience.
So, it isn't a "tanks are too heavy" thing. It's a "my car is a POS and I have too much stuff in it" thing. You should've made that clear from the get-go instead of trying to be cute.

Don't blame him for your embarrassment. He asked for shipping info, not a critique of his car. If you'd just answered the question instead of trying to be sarcastic you wouldn't have sounded like a dick.
Again everybody, thanks for the help and advice -- it is much appreciated. I am really looking forward to diving with you folks again, and getting my act together for Fundies this year.

Nadwidny, thanks for the advice. I always read your posts and assume you to be a knowledgeable if curmudgeonly character. I think I was emphasizing "heavy" because I am thinking "weight equals expensive shipping" and cost, after this past year as a graduate student, is a real concern for me.

Regardless, thanks to all of you, and see most of you soon-ish. Speaking of being a student again, I am also looking seriously forward to making a regular paycheque. It was a major shift to go from 'lawyer salary' to '$600/month student budget' this year. Ouch.
Don't blame him for your embarrassment. He asked for shipping info, not a critique of his car. If you'd just answered the question instead of trying to be sarcastic you wouldn't have sounded like a dick.

As if I care about that.
Boys, boys, play nice in the electronic sandbox. Thanks again to all of you.

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