Advice needed! Belize with wife and 1.5 year old

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50 - 99
Hey all,

Looking at taking my family to Belize next year around may.
I dive every other weekend, however, my wife and obviously my 1 year old do not. My wife and I love the Caribbean and I like the idea of Belize.
I would like to accomplish two things, get a few two tank dives in, but also have activities that will keep my wife and son busy while I do. We both love the beach(as does my son) and we like the idea of the rainforest as well, however I'm assuming that's on two diff parts
I love to travel, my wife has only been out of country once-to negril Jamaica, so a safe area that is welcoming with locals would be welcomed.

Thank you all so very much!
It sounds like Placencia would be the place for you - great diving and close to inland adventure tours that your wife and young child could enjoy and the best beaches in Belize. You can check it out at The dive sites are described there and some of our most popular inland tours (Amenities, Tours and Other Services|Splash Dive Center|Placencia Belize.
At Splash our core business is scuba and snorkelling but we have also been doing inland tours for the past 12 years and we partner with a number of hotels and resort ranging from budget to luxury so can fit alsmost any budget. Some of the hotels/resorts we partner with are listed on our website. If you have any questions, you can post them here or e-mail me at
Turneffe Island Resort can be good for you as well. Check them out.


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