Great video that’s some camera setup. How many dives do you have under your belt?
Thanks, it's just a GoPro Hero 7 with two Archon D11 V2 Video lights on a regular size tray, nothing too fancy. Correction: 2 years ago it would have been the Hero 4
I just did my 500th dive this past summer. A lot of my dives are local, in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean on low (as in zero to 3') visibility wrecks off my own boat.
Here's the dive profile showing depth and gas used. Although the video is cut in several places, by looking at the profile it appears that we entered the wreck at about 6 minutes at a depth of 93' exited at 10 minutes and returned on one of the upper levels, avg depth about 88' from the 13 to 15 minute mark, making the first penetration 4 minutes and the return leg 2 minutes (the return corridor was pretty much a straight run as I recall). SAC rate isn't shown, it was .71.