I have read only a sliver of these this thread. It has grown far faster than I care to read.
I wi ll say this, poor instruction for the amounts they charge for classes in not acceptable. But the card is not the end of the journey. It is a license to learn. I took my classes a long time ago and I'm not sure what and how I learned would pass muster today. The diver you are and what you become is the responsibility of the diver, not the instructor. A good instructor makes the path easier and clearer, but how you follow it is up to you. A competent dive buddy will probably be more valuable than a competent instructor. Four hours in a class, four hours in a pool and five certification dives (I have no idea what classes are like these days) is nothing compared with 25 dives.
I feel bad if you spent good money and weren't satisfied, but you have AOW and can get on charters and can gain experience. Even if you had the best instructor in the world, you need to choose dives with in your skill set. For the cost of retaking the class you could log ten dives and learn a lot more.