Adolphus Busch Wreck in the Keys

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Could anyone give me some imformation on the A.B. wreck down in the Keys?

We were just diving the Looe Key area and didn't realize it was there and were wondering why it isn't listed on the Hot Spots charts as well as on some of the divers books out there. We think we found it listed on one chart as a dangerous wreck since the numbers are close to the ones that we have for it.

Any info from someone who has dove it would be appreciated.

Capt. Jim Wyatt....yoo hoo....are you listening?

I'll see if I can lure him to the thread. We had several great dives on the Busch when we dove Looe Key with Jim...very cool wreck. (Note: I'm not a "wreck diver" & not into penetration, so my definition of "cool" may be different than some of the rest of y'all! :wink:).

Its a deep (by rec terms) dive 100-120 fsw to see it all. Very easy swim-thru's, wide open, lots of light & minimal entanglement hazards.

Call or PM Capt Jim Wyatt & have him take you out. Its a good dive.
Just realized I should've given you Capt. Jim's link. Check out Reef Divers. We dove with him for a few days in February for the first time, and it was an excellent operation. The web site has tons of info, including info & photos on the Adolphus Busch.

Thanks for the links...

Looking for some observations from those who have dived it also.

We have access to our own boat and have all our own gear. We have dived on SG, Eagle, T-Bolt, Duane and Bibb while here, and we are wondering if it is any more difficult than those?

We encountered very stiff current on the Duane and ended up calling off that dive. Went up to the SG and the surface current was brisk, but non existant on the wreck itself. T-Bolt has been ornery with high currents and our numbers were off for the barrels so we didn't dive it this trip. Last trip it was a pretty decent dive.

I suppose what I am really asking is that for those who have dived all of the other wrecks, are the conditions any worse on it than those I have listed above?

We are NOT tech divers, and do not penetrate. Just looking to add another set of pictures to the collection next time I am down here.

Thanks for the info so far.
Looking for some observations from those who have dived it also.

We have dived on SG, Eagle, T-Bolt, Duane and Bibb while here, and we are wondering if it is any more difficult than those?
I've done all of the above except the Bibb, and the Busch was about the same level, or perhaps easier than the other you mention. It is really wide open inside and I think Jim Wyatt took me through every compartment on the ship except the engine room.

Even if you head down with your own boat, you might want to take a run out to the Busch with Jim for a good tour and intro before returning with your own boat for later dives.

IIRC, the Busch is about halfway between American Shoals and Looe Key, about 1/4 mile from where the depth goes from 50'ish to around 100. If your chart shows a wreck or gear snag in that position, it's probably the Busch. It is buoyed.
When I dove the Busch with Jim, you could see it from the surface (man that was awesome vis), no current. He told us of days with 10' vis & strong current, however, so like many wrecks in the area, conditions can change quite quickly I imagine. I haven't dove other wrecks in the area, so can't directly compare. Sorry!

I dove on the AB last summer. From my personal observations, the surface current was ripping, but once you dropped below 20-25' it dropped off. The vis was about 30-40' on this particular day. I only dove the main deck and the superstructure. I didn't do any penetration on it. Just like what every one else has said, the openings are pretty wide, and great care was taken to ensure there was little in the way of entanglements. We saw a couple of golitah's swimming around closer the to the bottom. All in all, not a bad dive. I have some pics from that dive, but they are on my other computer, or else I would upload them.


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