...I found these three:
More from the department of indeterminate numbers. Reader Ann Franklin tells us that when she was moving house, the removal firm packed up her belongings in cartons made from "at least 100 per cent recycled paper"
ARE penguins fond of reading books? Reader John Gray ordered a book from Blackwell's online, and was asked to click on his country of abode in a drop-down box. Among the options he could choose was Bouvet Island.
Bouvet Island, situated in the South Atlantic, belongs to Norway. "I have actually been there during a Norwegian Antarctic expedition in 1978," Gray tells us. "It is small, only a couple of kilometres long. It is rocky, with very steep cliffs, it is snow and ice-capped, and it is the most remote island in the world. The only inhabitants are penguins and seals."
So who taught them to read, we wonder?
FINALLY, this month's Macworld magazine includes guidelines on submitting tips on Apple computing. They tell readers: "Send your tips to
qanda@macworld.co.uk. We cannot make personal replies, so please do not include a stamped addressed envelope."
Reader Colin Deady, who spotted this, says it is lucky they told him. He had one in his scanner ready to go.