"Throat tightens up and interrupts breathing" ??
If you aspirate gastric fluid (suck it down your windpipe), it's going to cause violent coughing and possibly laryngospasm, but that would be very rare.
Esophageal spasms (spasm of the tube carrying food to the stomach) are painful, but they don't interrupt breathing. They are a known symptom of reflux.
Fatty foods delay gastric emptying, causing food to remain longer in the stomach and keeping the intragastric pressure high, which certainly can contribute to a tendency to reflux. I do not believe there is any evidence that esophageal reflux is related to diversion of blood supply from the digestive organs.
Milk contains calcium, which is a secretogogue for gastric acid. Maalox or Mylanta are briefly effective at neutralizing the acid present in the stomach at the time of their ingestion, but their effect is brief, and too large a quantity of them can cause diarrhea. In today's world, with significant reflux symptoms, one is almost certainly better off using an H2 blocker like Tagamet or Zantac, or a PPI like Prilosec, which have a much longer duration of effect.