I like diving at abalone cove, but have always gone there by boat. During season there are almost always bugs.
Abalone Cove is an invertebrate no take zone.

I have tried to dive Malaga a number of times....one time, I even got in the water. For about 10 minutes, we kept hoping it would open up....but to no avail. We ended up calling the dive as it just wasn't fun. Unfortunately, the many times I've tried after that have resulted in me checking it out from the gazebo, talking to people, watching divers get in and come back out within minutes....and have never actually made it back in.
WHEN....please tell me when....are the conditions good for Malaga? Summer? Spring? I'm fairly certain it's not fall that's good (as that's when I've tried), and winter has really taken a toll on many normally-reliable dive sites, so being as exposed as it is, I don't think that's the time to dive Malaga. I hear it's a fantastic site when the conditions are good....but when are they good??? I wanna know!!!
The best vis that I have seen has been between December - January. I was diving that area almost daily in Dec08-Jan09 with 20'+ vis and no swell. Malaga is lame. It's too shallow and mostly sand with just a few reefs. BSB have been seen their on occasion, though. If you want to dive North PV the best spot hands down is Flat Rock. The cove generally has ~5' vis and is home to leopard sharks, a large shovelnose shark, and a sevengill shark. The north side is AMAZING. The reefs are among the best I've seen in PV and the vis often exceeds 30'. Depending on the tide a rock may be exposed near the rocky point which is a haul out spot for harbor seals. Everytime I dive this area I see at least one harbor seal. I have also been "schooled" by a pod of dolphins in 25' of water at this location. The only problem with this spot is the hike. The long trail isn't dangerous like some other PV coves but it is a long trail. Wait till September and give it a go. I think you'll like it.