A640 with Canon Housing???

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That sunstar was large enough that 18" (or a little less) was as close as I could get and still keep the subject in frame with the camera zoomed out all the way.

This is a GREAT example, thanks! To get the most out of any camera or lens you have to use it to the best of its limitations.

In this case, the subject was too large to shoot and still get the results one wanted (and I'm thinking you mean the zoom wasn't used at all so you were shooting at the widest possible focal length, instead of being "zoomed out all the way"?). Often, the subject is too small and we move in too close to try to fill the frame - and this results in an out of focus shot as we move inside the camera's minimum focus distance.

In both cases choices have to be made to produce the best photo possible. With large subjects, we might have to choose to shoot just a part of it instead of the whole thing to achieve the lighting and exposure we like. With small subjects, we might have to back up a bit and simply accept that we will be cropping the image. Or find another, more suitable subject.

I'll often take a shot of something I want a memory of, no matter what lens I have on or what system I am using. I just got done shooting a bunch of manta rays with the 60mm macro - NOT recommended as all you get is an eye and a bit of cephalic lobe as they swim by...any more body in there and you're too far away for a sharp shot! But it was fun!! :D Another benefit of digital - almost limitless photos :D But I have realistic expectations of what the image will be at the end of it and spend most of my photo time trying to make the best use of whatever equipment I am using at the time.


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