A Second Use for Dive Alerts....?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Indian Harbour Beach, FL
# of dives
200 - 499
This weekend my husband - Tommy - and I were unloading and cleaning our gear from recent JR-II trip and we found a new use for our Dive Alerts....it can be used to inflate a safety sausage underwater and above water!!!

When hooked up to a tank, press the safety sausage intake up against horn and press Dive Alert button....the sausage inflates in seconds!!! Isn't this much safer than blowing it up manually underwater (by taking breath out of reg and blowing up with your mouth)? Anyway, thought we'd pass on this idea and see what you all thought of it...great idea or is there a downside we haven't thought of?

BTW - mentioned it to company and they say they've been aware of this second use for quite a while - wonder why they don't advertise it...
When hooked up to a tank, press the safety sausage intake up against horn and press Dive Alert button....the sausage inflates in seconds!!! Isn't this much safer than blowing it up manually underwater (by taking breath out of reg and blowing up with your mouth)? Anyway, thought we'd pass on this idea and see what you all thought of it...great idea or is there a downside we haven't thought of?

No offense, but I was under the impression that you inflate safety sausage ON THE SURFACE, not UNDERWATER. Afterall, it's a marker device to enable for surface support to see & pick up a diver.

IOW, the diver would be on the surface, positively buoyant, and therefore able to safely blow up the SS by mouth.

Just a thought,
No offense, but I was under the impression that you inflate safety sausage ON THE SURFACE, not UNDERWATER. Afterall, it's a marker device to enable for surface support to see & pick up a diver.

IOW, the diver would be on the surface, positively buoyant, and therefore able to safely blow up the SS by mouth.

Just a thought,

Depends on the type, some can be inflated with the REG, other uses the DrySuit LP hose, some by mouth. Depends on the use.
We shoot ours from depth. It gives the boat a heads up on where we are.

TD, I don't see how your method is any safer. You should be able to take your reg out of your mouth without causing a problem. On the other hand, if that's how you like to do it, go for it!
No offense, but I was under the impression that you inflate safety sausage ON THE SURFACE, not UNDERWATER. Afterall, it's a marker device to enable for surface support to see & pick up a diver.

IOW, the diver would be on the surface, positively buoyant, and therefore able to safely blow up the SS by mouth.

Just a thought,

You say pat-ah-to, I say DSMB.

Or whatever.

It's a clever idea.
Submariner, a lot of divers are "shooting" their "sausages" with a small reel or spool.
I was in Indonesia in Sept. when a buddy and I got blown off the reef and taken for a ride. I simply pulled out my 6' sausage and spool. Popped it up from 90' and the boat was able to keep and eye on where we were headed. At the same time I knew that they knew where we were going so we were able to take our time coming up. Now something that happened that was very cool was when we ascended to around 25' we got caught in a whirlpool and while we were watching the vortex from underwater we were getting spun around like a washing machine- very cool, very fun-M
if you are at depth and want to inflate a ss you can always use your octo.... just like you would with a lift bag.
Michael Schlink:
Submariner, a lot of divers are "shooting" their "sausages" with a small reel or spool.
I was in Indonesia in Sept. when a buddy and I got blown off the reef and taken for a ride. I simply pulled out my 6' sausage and spool. Popped it up from 90' and the boat was able to keep and eye on where we were headed. At the same time I knew that they knew where we were going so we were able to take our time coming up. Now something that happened that was very cool was when we ascended to around 25' we got caught in a whirlpool and while we were watching the vortex from underwater we were getting spun around like a washing machine- very cool, very fun-M

Imagine what that looked like from above with your SMB spinning around!
Fly N Dive:
if you are at depth and want to inflate a ss you can always use your octo.... just like you would with a lift bag.

Not if it's closed.

Like my SS and lift bags.
The application that I was thinking of was attaching a SS to the reel and floating it up to mark our location as we left marker weight/buoy and went down the reef - so its use would, for me, be underwater. I have the opinion that the less need to take your reg out of your mouth, the better, just one less thing to worry about or deal with underwater. I didn't know you could also press on the intake of the SS and hold your reg underneath ?? it to inflate, but guess that MIGHT work - I thought you had to have forceful inflation, not just air bubbles rising....and I hate getting saltwater taste in my mouth by taking out the reg, placing mouth on intake of SS, then clearing reg - repeatedly - to get sausage to inflate - takes more time than dive-alert method....so this seemed to be a very viable idea to me. :)

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