A First Timers View of Cozumel- The Good and the Bad

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Thanks Herman. I appreciate the opinion on Bonaire.
I don't mind the travel hassles. I love to fly and I find the airport an amusing place. I think I'll need to try Bonaire. I don't mind the lively atmosphere of Coz, but I also don't need it either. Three beers, a hammock and some good conversation are all I need for the perfect post dive evening.

I think I'll wait for the right dive buddy and take a trip there. :)
ggun......plus others

I guess this was just the thread that broke the camels back so to speak. And, I am pretty sure Herman wishes I would have just kept my gripe to myself.

But I have been on this board like you gunn almost since it was started. And while I agree there should be no problem with discussion, comments to me like ...""you should have done more research ....and mulitple comments like....great ...glad you dont like it that means more room for me ......(paraphrased)""
are just uncalled for. Granted I dont argue how one reads the comments "might" in some cases make a diff on their interpretation....but some are pretty clear to me.

I read a lot of things on this board that I think are down right lunacy but if that what the person wants to do....or thats how the person feels about something or a place...then fine let them express it. I believe one can disagree without sounding sarcastic or any other way but tolerant.

I also agree this thread wasnt as bad as some I read...yet there are comments in here that I think are uncalled for. There were much better ways to state ones disagreement.

I dont apologize for my views. I do apologize to Herman for causing a stir in his thread.
Rick Inman:
However, Herman, the next time you are in the Spokane area, I happily volunteer to be your personal travel guide! :D

Thanks Rick, I'm not likely to be in Spokane any time soon but I will hold you to it if I do. If you make it to NC, it would be my pleasure to return the favor.

Rich, it's no big deal, I kind of figured my post may generate some discussion. I do have to correct you on one thing....your a newbee on this board. :) Check my date, if I remember correctly I was the 16th person registered on the board and as best as I can tell the longest active member with the exception of Tech Admin.
... (A very special thanks is in order here to ggunn….his drift diving checklist was thorough and proved invaluable…no surprises when we got into the diving.) Thank you sir!

Um, I'm glad it for whatever assistance I was able to give, but although I have talked about drift diving a lot in here, I believe that the checklist to which you are referring was the creation of Wristshot. It wasn't me, at any rate.

ggun......plus others

I guess this was just the thread that broke the camels back so to speak. And, I am pretty sure Herman wishes I would have just kept my gripe to myself.

But I have been on this board like you gunn almost since it was started. And while I agree there should be no problem with discussion, comments to me like ...""you should have done more research ....and mulitple comments like....great ...glad you dont like it that means more room for me ......(paraphrased)""
are just uncalled for. Granted I dont argue how one reads the comments "might" in some cases make a diff on their interpretation....but some are pretty clear to me.

I read a lot of things on this board that I think are down right lunacy but if that what the person wants to do....or thats how the person feels about something or a place...then fine let them express it. I believe one can disagree without sounding sarcastic or any other way but tolerant.

I also agree this thread wasnt as bad as some I read...yet there are comments in here that I think are uncalled for. There were much better ways to state ones disagreement.

I dont apologize for my views. I do apologize to Herman for causing a stir in his thread.

Yeah, I said that, but although I didn't include a "smiley", I assumed that folks would understand that my saying that anybody not wanting to go to Cozumel means more room for me (paraphrasing) was a lighthearted attempt at humor, not a slam or sarcasm of any sort. I am sorry if my remarks offended you; to offend you or herman (or anybody else) was certainly not my intention. With all due respect, I think that interpreting that as an attack on you or him (or anyone else) is being a tad hypersensitive, but I will strive to be more explicit in the future.

My daughter and I just returned from our first dive trip to Cozumel. We went with Dive with Martin and stayed in a villa in town. It was neat leaving on the fast boats for the divesites and seeing the Rhapsody of the Seas moored at the pier. I recalled my first visit to Cozumel a few years ago ….as a “cruisero”! While snorkeling there, I watched some divers under us heading out to the reef. I remember thinking, “Now that looks like an awesome way to go.” OW certification wasn’t far behind and now “I are one!” We’ve done the liveaboard several times since and so it was three years later before we got back to Coz to dive. We did our homework….lots of forum reading, private emails to folks in the know, and heavy internet surfing/checking maps. (A very special thanks is in order here to ggunn….his drift diving checklist was thorough and proved invaluable…no surprises when we got into the diving.) Thank you sir!

The Diving: The good reports I read on the board about this DWM were right on, and we’re so glad we chose them. The entire staff works hard and shows lots of “hustle”, whether it’s hauling 80 lbs of lead weight to the boat, changing out tanks in record time, or checking out every crevice for something cool to show us divers. They took good care of us and our gear and were polite and professional with everyone….even a boorish and irritable guy who demanded to be taken to Devil’s Throat (with an anxious wife who dove the entire time clinging to his shoulder D-ring, totally unfamiliar with her rig.) No, we didn’t go and he pouted the rest of the trip. The DM had taken a lot of video so our free video with the dive package was well done.

The drift diving was a little different than I expected….the current wasn’t bad at all, we’d been in faster stuff on the liveaboards so it was nice to go for the ride and then have the boat there at surface time. Again, with the tips from the board, we stayed low on the coral and saw so much sealife, large and small. I think the folks who were drifting 8 foot above and hanging vertical for most of the dive missed a lot. My idea of the perfect setup would be a live aboard offering 4 dives a day in Cozumel, with one dive per day spent on just 2 or 3 coral heads.

The Shopping & Hawkers: Being ex-pod persons, we knew better than to hang out on the main drag anytime other than Sunday. We did our shopping in our neighborhood and bought several items at 1/3 the cost of those on the main street. As women traveling alone we never felt threatened or hassled. I hadn’t expected that, having lived close to border towns in Texas.

The Local Scene: Since our villa was back off the oceanstrip about 6 blocks into town, we didn’t encounter the hawkers or the cruiseros much. Without exception, the locals we met were friendly and oftentimes very helpful. We both speak pretty good Spanish and that seemed to help “break the ice”. Some of the things that impressed me most were the very clean streets, the laid back happy dogs, and the total lack of bugs, I counted 3 flies the whole time we were there. The only thing that un-nerved me were the scooters darting about loaded with entire families, including very small children. But the single accident we observed was between two touristas – one of which apparently didn’t know what “alto” meant. We went to the west side of the island one day and it was pretty isolated, had it to ourselves and enjoyed it a lot more than Bimini!

The Food: Again, we counted heavily on the restaurant poll and reviews on Scubaboard for restaurants. We usually had our biggest meal at lunch and then went to the villa for a nap/reading before dinner out or an evening dive. We often shared an entrée and split dessert so we got by really cheap, since the prices weren’t as low as we’d hoped this proved to be a good plan. Many times we were the only patrons at some of the restaurants. I’ve never had lobster as good as that at the Lobster House, and Especial was a favorite. Coz’s “real” chips and guacamole were a mainstay. The tip about shopping at the supermarket was a winner, several nights we were pretty tired and ate in. Chocoholics that we are we had taken some Dove chocolates, and M & M’s, along with homemade trailmix and jerky.

The Villa: What started as a group of 8 dwindled to 4, and then down to only the two of us. So we were rattling around in a big villa (but at least everyone who cancelled had paid their share.) Towards the end of the week I was thinking I’m not so sure I’d want to be in such close quarters with 6 other folks anyway. That combined with the fact our maid spent more time on making towel critters than washing the silverware and mopping the kitchen floor has convinced us that next time we’ll go with Caribe Blu or some other smaller, beachfront hotel.

Our high point was a dolphin we saw off the wall over deeper water…..we hadn’t expected to be so fortunate, it was my daughter’s first and I bought her a little while onyx one as a remembrance in one of the shops. It sits on her computer stand now, reminding her to work on her Spanish and stay in shape for our next trip to Coz. It’s hard to beat the diving there with a direct flight out of Houston for us cost-conscious, warm water Texans!

Apenas cuenta de los días hasta la vez próxima!

.....thanks for sharing it with us.

Good Diving,

Yeah, I said that, but although I didn't include a "smiley", I assumed that folks would understand that my saying that anybody not wanting to go to Cozumel means more room for me (paraphrasing) was a lighthearted attempt at humor, not a slam or sarcasm of any sort. I am sorry if my remarks offended you; to offend you or herman (or anybody else) was certainly not my intention. With all due respect, I think that interpreting that as an attack on you or him (or anyone else) is being a tad hypersensitive, but I will strive to be more explicit in the future.


I did the same thing right before Rich's post so I thought he was alluding to my comments. Once again, I was trying to be humorous not offensive. If we all had the same tastes in diving it would be a really boring, and crowded, sport. Sorry if anything I said caused distress. Dare I say. . .lighten up :D
I've been to Cozumel several times, hated it.
I've been to Cozumel several times, hated it.

That's a joke, right? I mean, if you went there and hated it, why would you go back?
Went fishin' there, wife caught a marlin.



The wife did hook a marlin. All that the other three of us got ahold of was mahi mahi. We were trollin' with cigar minnows. The boat Captain went nuts on the radio when the marlin was hooked.

And I love the diving there.

Hope to see you some time down there Gordon, would like to dive with ya.

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