a few questions from a new diver

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Baltimore, MD
# of dives
25 - 49
I am finishing up my certification by completing my open water certification this weekend with a vacation planned in Venice from July 01 to July 17. Thanks to the posts here I have already contacted Florida West and Capt Jamie to receive information about what they offer.

I have a few questions that I would like to ask the group to help make me a better diver and ensure that I have a good vacation while not causing problems for anyone else.

1. I have the equipment required for my open water dive; Mask, Fins, Snorkal, boots and wetsuit. When booking with FL West or Capt Jamie, can I rent the rest of the equipment from them or do I have to do that seperately?

2. I read a post earlier that stated that it is customary to tip the captain or dive master after the trip? Is this true, and if so can someone please elaborate on what is customary? (who to tip, what amount and that sort of thing)

3. My wife and daughter were unable to get certified due to health reasons. When I sign up for a dive will I be able to team up with a buddy on the boat or do you have to bring someone with you?

4. During vacation last summer was when I found this site and decided to work on getting certified. There was a big scuba party the day I left last year. Is there another one planned and if so, does anyone know the date?

From reading the posts here, everyone seems very helpful and friendly. Thanks for take the time to read this far through a long post and any answers you may have. If anyone is planning a dive while I am in town (Fly in Jul 01 and fly out Jul 17) and would like some company and the opportunity to help build the skills of a new diver, please send me a PM.


1) Q:When booking with FL West or Capt Jamie, can I rent the rest of the equipment from them or do I have to do that seperately?
A: Well, I can't speak for Those perticular charters, But most offer rental gear... There are alot of shops in the area that offer rental.

2) Q:who to tip, what amount and that sort of thing....
A: I usualy try about 15%-20% of the cost of the charter. Which usually ends up being $12-$20 Split between captin and mate... Most of the time they will help you w/ your gear and set up.... so .... thats alot of work depending on the amount of divers present.... I say most of the time, because there are some divers including myself who prefer that no one touch their gear... other than a buddy check :wink: Tips are customarily given apon arival to dock at the end of the trip..... Remember There will be alot of opinions on this topic.... this is only mine :D

3) Q:will I be able to team up with a buddy on the boat or do you have to bring someone with you?
A: Most of the time you can team up with a buddy on the boat I have never been on a charter boat that made you bring your own buddy... Hay that's funny B.Y.O.B (Bring. Your. Own. Buddy. ) Weard..... :confused: If there is an odd number on the boat, their could be a 3-way Buddy sys... :rofl3:

4) Q: There was a big scuba party the day I left last year. Is there another one planned and if so, does anyone know the date?
A: I have no idea but their could be? Check around on the rest of the forums... Mabey....

I dive just about every weekend (Weather Permiting) and have my own boat ......
Mabey If it works out one weekend We could hit up a spearfishing or tooth dive out of Venice... I usually dive from Boca Grande to Sarasota.....
4. During vacation last summer was when I found this site and decided to work on getting certified. There was a big scuba party the day I left last year. Is there another one planned and if so, does anyone know the date?

7th Annual Venice Beach Shark Tooth Dive and Birthday Bash! June 27th! You can click on my sig line below and it will give you the correct link to the site. Looking forward to dive with you while your here. Hope to see you there if you can make it.
1) if equip cant be rented through charter, ask if there are any shops they would recommend and call around shops locally to see how much and what kindof gear they have for rental i would do that even if the charter does rent(incase you find something your considering buying so you can rent and try before you buy)
2) yes tip, depends on how well they help you and how accomidating they are (kinda like a restraunt, if its one person from crew that helps you significantly more than others then tip them and throw a little to divemaster/captain unless they pull tips then just give to DM/Cap but mention who was helpful if it seems the one person went beyond what the other crew did)
3) you should be able to find a buddy on the boat even if its a 3 person group
4)its probably the shark tooth bash, but ITK is going on soon too
I want to thank all of you for your replies. Not only the ones in the thread but also the private messages as well. I am working out a trip with Capt. Jamie. Unfortunately, I will be missing the bash by a day or two, but am very excited about diving while I am in town.
First of all - congrats on your certification!

Speaking from experience, I can tell you Jamie will not disappoint. He is a super guy and will take good care of you. If you need a buddy, he will make sure someone dives with you.

Tipping is greatly appreciated by the crew. As a working DM I have been tipped from $0 to $20 per diver - it all depends on who is diving, how much they appreciate you - and, honestly, if they have the ability to tip - some people spend all their available extra just getting on the boat - so it really depends - at the VERY least - please let the DM know you appreciate their help. It's really OK to tell them you don't have any extra $$ - but try to tip at least a little.

Most dive charters are great - they treat you well and will do everything they can to make your experience enjoyable.

Have a great vacation!

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