7 weeks till xmas!!

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London, England
Well i want to be the first to say


I know its a bit early but we do have to get our christmas list in on time!!

So who is asking for what this year??????
1. Apeks ATX-50
2. Suunto PC Interface
3. Suunto Quick Disconnect for Cobra
4. Brass Dive Helmet Clock (for my office!)
5. Scuba Toolmaster (stocking-stuffer!)
Well, Kells and everyone:
Merry Christmas to you.
Mele Kaliki Maka
Feliz Navidad
and Happy Hanukkah
So you're playing Santa, and asking what we want huh?
Well, besides World safety and World Peace,
I'd love a new wet suit. :wink:
I am already getting tired of Christmas. The stores have been decorated since the first of September, Christmas music on the radio is starting now, and toy commercials on TV have been running since the middle of October! Every corner lot within 50 miles is set up for Christmas trees to be delivered this weekend. Sheesh! They're already half dead....can you say fire hazard by Christmas???

Yes, I note the dates of these occurances each year and every year they appear sooner than the year before! ;-0

I used to really look forward to the Christmas Holidays but over the years as we've been inundated with it for so long, I'm turning into a Bah Humbug person!
I stared at your photo and I felt like asking you to look at the world through your rose colored dive lenses! Then I thought I should send you a care package with containing my tattered copy of "A Christmas Carol" (I read it to my boys every Christmas until they were "too old" to be read to.), a VHS of "Miracle on 34th Street", a VHS of Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life", and bound volume of Joewr's greatest Christmas speeches.

However, I thought better of it. Instead, I will just say that I will hoist a glass of my favorite Cabernet on Christmas Eve as I bounce my granddaugter on my knee and make a toast to Dee, the Rag Lady of Texas. I am sure all my relatives will wonder what I am doing and wonder if I have finally "turned the corner". But they have wondered that before...and often!

Joewr...reminding Dee that the original Bah, Humbug fellow ended up keeping Christmas as well as anyone on earth...
See? That's what I'm talking about! ;-(

Those stories and movies are what Christmas is, or should be, all about. Not the commercialized event it's turned into. :nono:

If 'they' would just wait until after Thanksgiving I wouldn't have a problem getting into and keeping the spirit of Christmas! :sunny:

And don't forget about the movie "White Christmas" with ol' Bing! :D
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas! One of Irving Berlin's finest! How could I forget the tune and the movie!

The Spirit of Christmas Past will probably visit me tonight!

Joewr...maybe it will just be a spot of gravy or a dab or mustard...
Oh no!!!

What have i started!!..lol

But, Dee, i agree with you - its exaclty the same here in the UK - it makes me laugh - in January, the shelves stacked with Christmas decorations change over night into Easter Eggs!!!.
first of all I would like more dreams and wishes to come true

then if I can't get that

my very own island in a low Latitude

a winning lotto ticket

or a

million USD tax free
funny you should ask, my Mom just asked the same question "what do you want for Christmas". Soooo I've been thinking.

Hate to say it, I have most of what I want right now for scuba stuff. But probably a new light, dive reel, -- just toys.

I too suffer from the "Bah Humbug" with all the commercialism. If only they would wait for awhile before all the decorating. I mean it's not like we don't know it's coming.

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