I'd expect DAN to eventually receive a report, however who will know what "actually" transpired except for the unfortunate Doctor, other than external observations.
I've been puzzled by the going under the water sequence. I'm tending to agree with the poster that in such a situation (i.e. swimming back against a strong current) that I would have also descended slightly to swim underwater. I'm thinking that this is actually much riskier than one might guess, for the following reasons:
1) Your tank would likely be low, given that you've been diving in strong currents. This leaves you with little safety margin, and IME you would have to pull air from the tank if your regulator wasn't balanced as the air got low.
2) You're distracted, and fighting the current, you might forget to monitor depth/air leading to a situation of very little to no safety margin.
3) After diving, your body is compromised. A swim/exercise which prior to the dive would have been not so strenuous would be stressful after the dive.
One thing which also bothers me, is that normally I have a rope thrown out to my group from the boat, which we are pulled back to within a few feet of the ladder. Was this done in this case?