40 ways you might be a Yankee if

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tks smokeybraden..... i guess there isn't even a point in asking where that name for a skunk was created eh?
Oh yes, I just asked my sister (also a yankee) and that's pretty much what she said.

It is fake..do some people think it's not?
Natasha, you know they'll crucify us now...... I do believe some people will swear on their scuba equipment that it is real.... or close to it :)
Natasha, you know they'll crucify us now...... I do believe some people will swear on their scuba equipment that it is real.... or close to it :)

LOL! Let's say this, fake or not, I wouldn't mind seeing some of those guys in scuba gear. :winky:
you mean...... mask, cape and all???? the visual, oh the visual.... LOL
LOL Yeah..the mask thing is a turn on. :D
Whats wrong with all those? lol do people actually want to attend 'flea markets' etc?

WWF is sooooooooooooooo fake. my brother watches it and all his friends would like bet their lives its real. Whateva, even if it was real its not like its entertaining to watch a fat guy in a leotard get hit with a chair by another fat guy in a smaller leotard. lolz.

<33 Jess
WWF is sooooooooooooooo fake. my brother watches it and all his friends would like bet their lives its real. Whateva, even if it was real its not like its entertaining to watch a fat guy in a leotard get hit with a chair by another fat guy in a smaller leotard. lolz.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so true
Heck, I'm from the DEEEEP south and I still don't see the appeal of men in spandex rolling around in a ring. :06: They may revoke my Southern membership, but I don't get NASCAR either. A bunch of drunks watching rednecks drive around in a circle to see who gets there first? They even have NASCAR on radio down south. :confused2

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