That it was!

We didn't find the reel our students dropped yesterday, we looked around the bulls-eye today> Nor did we get to the area in which your guy lost his. But, we have one more day to try.
As for conditions: I had't been there since last January (2009), when the viz was REALLY bad - essentially iced tea, due to the tannins. Visibility is definitely improving, and the grotto folks remain committed to getting it to 'duckweed' standards.
The lift is being re-geared, to improve the speed. So, it is the stairs for the moment. For those of us who rememer the old stairs, these are SO-O-O much better, you hardly notice.
I had been concerned that the bad viz, which caused it to 'close for renovation' for much of 2009, was a permanent condition. Now, I think it is moving back on the right direction. Obviously, as this weekend's crowds demonstrated (and the growthy of the 'commercial diving' dock indicate, the commercial diving training side is becoming more and more prominent, which is to be expected. But, I think it still remains a great spot for technical training.
I really enjoy diving the Grotto.