30mm Macro lens - the poor cousin of macro lenses?

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Australia - Southern HIghlands NSW
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2500 - 4999
I do mostly macro and always take my 30mm but I don't use it as much as my 60mm. The video I am watching seems to point out that I may be missing a major part of what is good about this lens. It will get a better work out on my next trip.
NOTE: this video covers bugs and not underwater macro but it is a big eye-opener.

Where using the 60mm feels like work, the 30 is just plain fun. Easier to find and track the subject, smaller form factor, and the AF is just so much faster. The only downside is the closer working distance for max magnification, but with the advent of strobes like the Backscatter MF series it's not such a hassle underwater any more.
Where using the 60mm feels like work, the 30 is just plain fun. Easier to find and track the subject, smaller form factor, and the AF is just so much faster. The only downside is the closer working distance for max magnification, but with the advent of strobes like the Backscatter MF series it's not such a hassle underwater any more.
The guy in the video did suggest extension tubes to get more distance but with limited space in housings, I wonder if this has any use.
I like the look (color, sharpness) of images captured with this lens. I do sometimes miss being able to go a bit wider for non-macro subjects. I wonder if a (relatively cheap?) wide angle wet lens work.
I like the look (color, sharpness) of images captured with this lens. I do sometimes miss being able to go a bit wider for non-macro subjects. I wonder if a (relatively cheap?) wide angle wet lens work.
It's interesting to see what others have to say about this option. The guy in the vid suggested its a great all purpose lens for portraits, street photo etc.
Very much underrated lens.
I guess we've both talked about the wet lens option before

Yes we don't need to talk about wet lenses. I am interested in why this lens isn't more popular because those of us who have used it do like it. I didn't realise how close you have to get to exceed the 1:2 image and the Vid states that you can get to 250% as it focusses very close to the lens.
Don't you find the limited working distance a challenge underwater, particularly with strobe positioning?
I never pushed it closer than I did with the 60mm as I stupidly assumed that 1:2 was its maximum magnification.
Great info - i found this lens and port second hand. I have started to play around topside with it, so great information and thanks for the video.

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