Headed out on Down Under Sunday morning to dive 3 Coal Barges and 3 Mile Barge. Seas were running 2-4'. We cut the 3 Coal Barges dive due to the weather. Instead we did boths dives on 3 Mile Barge. The vis was great. I'd say 40'. Vertical vis was also incredible. You could clearly see the anchor from the surface. Surface temp was upper 60's. It was 61 at 38'. The wreck was holding the usual suspects - sheepshead and spadefish. Spotted what I believe was a leopard toadfish. The seas layed down during the SI to < 2'. An over zealous fisherman "caught" one of our divers on the second dive. Hooked his BC. Luckily there were no injuries. Both dives had great vis with lots of big sheepshead.