25hp Suzuki Engine

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Okinawa, Japan
So I ended up buying the 14' Achilles Boat and it came with a great motor a 25hp Suzuki outboard. Does anyone know how or where I would go to get maybe an owners manual or maintence manual for this kind of motor and remember I'm on Okinawa so I would prefer to be able to maybe download something......Thanks
Hey dulldiver thanks a lot your a life saver or at least an engine saver. I can't wait to put my new boat in the water. I bet that engine will really push my 14' boat......I wonder if I could actually get someone up on ski's with it? Or maybe a wake board?
I've owned a lot of used outboard motors. The most expensive lesson I've learned is it is always smart to install a new water pump. It isn't difficult and will save you from overheating a good engine.+
Tim, it should haul. I have a little 14' aluminum with a 35hp. Believe me, it has plenty of get up and go.

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