25 skills a guy needs to know how to do

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yea, that is the skill we are lacking around here.

But I seem to remember it back when, except it wasn't so subtle with my dad.
As long as I don't have to put the toilet seat down....:)
There came a manual with it??
I thought it was all packaging to protect the dang thing...

Honestly though.. I DO read manuals.. For new cameras and once in a blue moon cellphones (when I wonder "is this all it can do)

I'm not talking about a manual....I agree with Catherine....no man needs a manual.....LOL

I'm talking about when you buy an item to build..... and a man is too stubborn to follow the assembly instructions. Then you get a upsidown shelf a dysfunctional futon or a backwards exercise bike. ;)

Those exploded blue prints make me dizzy..... in my opinion....they are not for women.....they are for guys like Rig. ;)
........ except it wasn't so subtle with my dad.

heheheh - he was in the fbi wasnt he :rofl3:

i too havent learnt how to be subtle yet..... i once answered the door to a suitor for almitychild and told the young man "i can put your body in places no-one will ever find it"
Can't clean a rifle - but I am very good with a bow. Far easier to make one if I am marooned on a tropical island.

Can't fillet a fish either... but it's ok, I'll shoot coconuts off the trees with my bow and become a vege-vore.

I'm not talking about a manual....I agree with Catherine....no man needs a manual.....LOL

I'm talking about when you buy an item to build..... and a man is too stubborn to follow the assembly instructions. Then you get a upsidown shelf a dysfunctional futon or a backwards exercise bike. ;)

Those exploded blue prints make me dizzy..... in my opinion....they are not for women.....they are for guys like Rig. ;)
The assembly instructions makes a nice starter for my fireplace!
And I promise it wont be upside down even though I assemble it infront of the now nicely burning fireplace.. I might not even have to use any of those spare parts that where in the package..
With the exception of being a good spouse and father, the only skill a man needs:

know how to use a MASTERCARD

The old saying, a fox knows many good tricks, the hedgehog one GREAT trick, still applies. So I guess, in 21st century America, the one great skill is still

1) make enough money to have other people bleed your brakes, filet your fish, unstick your car, etc

And before people criticize me for being a elitist snob, take note of some the skills listed in the OP --- hooking up your own HDTV? If you can afford an HDTV, you can spring for the nominal installation charge. And who the heck still does their own oil changes? Only someone who WANTS to... it doesn't take a Rockefeller to afford an oil change, so why is that an essential skill? Cut up a fish? Why don't we include "starting a fire with flint" "building an igloo" and "splitting logs" while we are in the Grizzly Adams paradigm.

Oh, and by the way, for the single guy---

who do you think a woman really wants, the guy who can do all this survivalist stuff or the guy who can afford to have others do it for him????????

Oh, and by the way, for the single guy---

who do you think a woman really wants, the guy who can do all this survivalist stuff or the guy who can afford to have others do it for him????????

Isnt that blatantly obvious?
She wants the one that could do it if he had to, but dont have to because he can afford to pay others to do it for him.. After having paid her creditcard bills

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