Hello JimC,
Metalsub R & D is working on it. Right now we sell a 15 Watt LED head for our
XL7.2 light that is almost as bright as a 10 Watt HID. The 15 Watt LED puts out 435 Lumens at 6000° where a 10 Watt HID puts out 450 Lumens 6000°. The problem with LED technology today is you have to use more wattage than an HID to produce the same light output, so it’s a trade-off, super robust bulb but less burn time.
Poly Li-ion and Li-ion batteries will find there way more and more into dive lamps, but HID will still be the number one light source for many years to come. Today’s HID’s can produce 100 Lumes per watt, where the max. for white LEDs is between 30-40 Lumens per watt.
When LED’s catch up to HID’s in light output we will put them in more of our lights.