I want to know if your 'all natural' sunscreen is Maya Solar from Super Aki. That was the SPF 45 stuff that burned the crap out of me in the tournament.
I would kill to find the Hawaiian Tropic pump spray biodegradeable SPF 50 they used to sell in Mega. That stuff worked through a whole dive day. Use it regular and no one know I was in Mexico AGAIN....
I actually don't remember the details, but I can tell you in a couple of weeks. It was labeled as SPF 50 and "Bio". The packaging doesn't look like "Maya Solar" shows online. I think it was probably from Chedraui.
Perhaps this just goes to show that "natural" sunscreens available on the island may be worthless.
Edit: here we go... Bloqueador Solar Biodegradable KiiN

Edit edit: Oh, and my wife is pretty certain that Oil of Cinnamon was on the ingredients list. That essential oil is both a skin irritant and can cause significant photosensitization. It'd be a terrible choice in a sunscreen. The only ingredient listed at the manufacturer's website is titanium dioxide, the only sun-blocking agent in the stuff. Titanium (di)oxide can be a great sunblocker, but would only work well when you're bright white. Rub it in to the point where you can't see it and it'll do very little.
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