At the request of a similarly minded good friend of mine
I embed thee, I embed thee, I embed thee, I embed thee
and from this, what I am able to garner is that this is the
prerequisite to diving that I want to be involved with you
sea, because post course will be time to begin real diving
With perfect posture method and trim, is someone I want to dive with
and if you do skills on your knees in my class check first for sharp bits
So back to specifics or more importantly, the importance as an instructor
of being specific, in their instruction, a funny moment when a rebreather
dude gave me one and said this and this and that which could have quite
easily, have caused me an overexpansion injury, had I not known, better
and was experienced enough, to know what was going on and prevent it
when the instructor dude should have said, this, that, this, but I suppose
he was tired and considering it happened about 12 years ago attempting
to remember is beginning to wear me out and make me tired too
halemanos sig
Page one more to come
We are all on the same