1st time in Coz Mar 22-26th

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Newnan, GA
Hello all!
Heading to Coz for my first time in March. Will be staying at Casa Del Mar. Want info from a cross section of everyone telling me what to look out for...good and bad, neat junk, etc. Any tips at all will be appreciated.
Look out for the guys who stand at podiums in front of hotels or in the square. If they talk to you, tell them you don't speak English. If they ask what language you do speak, tell them something obscure like Polish. Let the cab drivers know you are aware of the established rates and always make that clear before you get into a cab. If you're hotel water is not purified don't drink it. If you don't like extremely hot salsa, ask for mild before dipping. If you don't like drunk touristas wearing balloons on their heads, don't go to Carlos 'N Charlies.

That's about all the warnings I can think of...Too many good things to list, really. :)
Look out for the guys who stand at podiums in front of hotels or in the square. If they talk to you, tell them you don't speak English. If they ask what language you do speak, tell them something obscure like Polish.

Actually a smile and a "No, gracias" without breaking stride works just fine.
I'll probably be one of the drunks with stuff on their heads. Not looking for just tips on what to stay away from....give me the good stuff too!! Where to go, what to see, cool junk to buy in town, etc. Any travel tips would be appreciated too.
The guy in front of the Casa Mexicana is relentless. I had him chase me down on a slow day. No, gracias works well for all vendors except the time share guys, who are just as bad as any Norteamericano time share salesman.
we stayed at casa del mar last august.
take the time to learn the names of the staff.
you won't believe the return of good service this small act of courtesy will bring you.
cab ride to town from there was $4-5.
find out early where your dive op wants you to meet them.
wilma's visit might have temporarily changed this.
leave a gratuity EVERYTIME you recieve good service.
make sure you get on island time and remember you are on holiday in their country.
relax, smile and have fun.
Ogaladiver, there are so many wonderful experiences to be had in Cozumel, it might be helpful if you described what you're looking for, what you imagine in your mind to be the ideal experience. What's pleasing for one, may not be for another. :)
Thats just it....Im open to pretty much anything. Hence the reason I wanted to hear from different people.
The guy in front of the Casa Mexicana is relentless. I had him chase me down on a slow day. No, gracias works well for all vendors except the time share guys, who are just as bad as any Norteamericano time share salesman.

Well, whatever. After the "No, gracias" with only the bare minimum eye contact, I just ignore them. They can chase me all they want; it won't do them any good. Once they see that, they give up and go looking for another mark. The less you interact, the sooner they get it.

To try to convince them that you don't speak English or Spanish is to engage them (and myself) far more than I do with a polite refusal followed by... nothing at all.

Sometimes I have a little fun with them. Once, a young guy (in his 20's, I guess) approached me on the Plaza trying to sell me a tour around the island. I told him (truthfully) that I had been going to Cozumel since well before he was born, and did he want me to give him a tour? We had a laugh, and he never bothered me again.
Sometimes I have a little fun with them. Once, a young guy (in his 20's, I guess) approached me on the Plaza trying to sell me a tour around the island. I told him (truthfully) that I had been going to Cozumel since well before he was born, and did he want me to give him a tour? We had a laugh, and he never bothered me again.
That is too funny! By the way, "No gracias" always worked for my husband and I while we were there too.

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