I see lots of complaints posted about how much of a nuisance the hawkers are, but really, I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, most of us are rich compared to them, and we bring tons of money (by their standards) to throw around when we go there. I don't see how we can hold it against them that they do what they have to do to try and steer some of it their way.
I am always polite and friendly (though firm) in my refusals, and occasionally I'll stop and talk to them, like the guy I posted about earlier whom I jokingly tried to get to let me give him a tour of his island. Or sometimes I'll stop and ask one of them, "Do I look like a tourist to you?" (Of course I do). It always gets a laugh. These guys do not bother me in the slightest; it's part of the deal.