
  1. arkheel

    Sold! Free: Two OMS tank valves

    I'm doing some gear closet cleaning and am giving away two OMS valves for the price of shipping. These valves are from two low pressure tanks. I ended up making a set of manifolded doubles with the tanks, and no longer need these valves. They are quit lovely to look at. PayPal for shipping...
  2. J

    DUI drysuit with no valves? Probably some dumb questons...

    Hi everyone I am new to the forum and to scuba I have a question that should be an easy answer unfortunately I probably already know the answer but wanted some conformation and opinions, I have been looking at drysuits a little while for the cold water season mostly just for hull maintenance on...
  3. PEDiver

    Wanted Doubles valves and manifold

    Looking for a set of valves and a manifold for a pair of LP85s I’m putting together.
  4. datth

    Closed Faber LP-95's with Thermos valves $150

    A friend is moving out of the Bay Area, quitting diving, and asked me to sell these on his behalf. They've been sitting in his garage (pressurized) for a while. They're Faber LP-95's with 300-bar Thermos valves. I don't think he even got 50 dives since he got them brand new years ago. They're...
  5. Learn Scuba Chicago

    Tank Valve with 1/4 NPT inlet for Scuba Tools H.P. Manager

    Does anyone know where to find a tank valve that has a 1/4" NPT inlet? We have a Scuba Tools H.P. Manager with a Genesis valve that has one. Was wondering if anyone knew of a place to get them or are these special fabrications. All valves I am familiar with have a snorkel on them.
  6. D

    For Sale Lots of gear for sale

    Our neighborhood is having a yard sale (5/15/2021) so my husband and I are getting rid of lots of gear. We have been instructors for over 15 years. My husband taught technical diving and I taught OW. We also have a few gun holsters for sale. I can’t figure out how to add pics right now but...
  7. Sea-Jay

    Closed XS Scuba Modular Valves

    I have three xs scuba modular valves for sale. brand new, never used, with yoke inserts. Asking $25USD, plus $8.60 shipping. If multiple are purchased, it will only be single shipping cost. Thanks,
  8. B

    Removing the valves on tanks for shipping

    I've sold some tanks and will be shipping them via Fedex. What is the best way to remove the valves for shipping without damaging the tanks?
  9. arkheel

    Closed: Sold - 7/8 Sherwood Manifold and DIN Valves

    Item has been sold.
  10. gypsyjim

    Help, identifying doubles manifold

    I am trying to identify the manufacturer of a couple of doubles manifold valves that I own. Other than "300 Bar" on each valve, and a 8 number serial# on the isolation valve body, there is nothing else stamped into the valves. Can anyone identify these, or steer me to someone who might...
  11. Chip Elliott

    Closed: SOLD SOLD Double Up! Halcyon Manifolds and Stainless Bands, 2 complete sets

    I have for sale two complete sets of Halcyon 300 Bar Manifolds (which have thermal valves and isolator valves) along with the stainless steel bands and stainless bolts. $150 each and buyer pays shipping, OR, $225 for BOTH, buyer pays shipping. Definitely fits AL80's and some HP100's. Thanks...
  12. mobyjack

    For Sale OMS Faber low press doubles Package

    OMS Package OMS Faber low pressure doubles 95 CU FT steel tanks (190 cu ft total) 2016 hydros and visuals O2 cleaned Din/Yoke modular valves with isolation manifold Heavy duty stainless bands with stainless nuts and bolts OMS IQ Pack L-XL OMS Dual 94 lb lift bladder bungee, Black OMS S.S...
  13. BlueLionPiper

    1/2 Dacor J valve?

    So a friend of mine said that he had two scuba tanks that his parents used back in the day. I've never been afraid to take older gear cause heck the newest tanks I own is from the early 80's. Anyway one of them is an older US Divers 72, pretty standard. The other one has a valve I've never...
  14. W

    Looking for 3/4 BSP Manifold Valves

    Hi, I have moved over to Sidemount and I have 4 old tanks, which are in great shape, but are only single valve A Clamp. As the tanks are old, they are 3/4 BSP. So far i have been using a-clamps, but over the past couple of years, been moving to apeks dst's and dins. My regs are now sorted, just...
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