
  1. C

    Deep south with Princess Rani - trip report

    I went to the Maldives to do the Deep South liveaboard route on the Princess Rani a few weeks ago and didn't write a trip report yet, so it's about time to write one. I went on a two week deep south trip with them and to be honest, the main reason why I chose to go with the Pirncess Rani is the...
  2. Johanna Zimmerhackel

    Crowdfunding Campaign for shark documentary

    Hi everyone This project still needs a lot of support! Help to promote this documentary about shark attack mitigation programs and the situation of sharks. For every shark enthusiast or person that is scared...
  3. Sharks * Cristina Zenato *  Scuba Dive * Grand Bahama - YouTube

    Sharks * Cristina Zenato * Scuba Dive * Grand Bahama - YouTube

    Shark scuba dive in Grand Bahama with Unexso and Oceanblue Divers, July 2014. The lead shark feeder is Cristina Zenato. Shot with a Sealife DC1400 camera with natural light and no filters.
  4. ChristineWP

    Looking for divers' insights on sharks: Species Seen? Conservation needs?

    Hi all, I'm looking for experienced ocean-going divers' around the world to comment on shark conservation strategies in their area. This includes ocean areas where sharks are rarely, or never observed! These observations will be accumulated to described "What is being seen? What strategies...
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