
  1. pisauron

    Help identifying first stage regulator

    I got this one from an old timer looking to get rid of some old gear. The regulator had an old Mares 2nd stage and an old R095 2nd stage connected to it. The Yoke screw also says Mares. I didn't find a Mares regulator looking like this, So these could have been changed at some point. The serial...
  2. G

    Ultrasonic Cleaning Times

    I have a MK10 piston that has some corrosion at the base. I put it in the US with 1:30 SGC then 1:1 vinegar solution both for about 3 minutes. It came out pretty clean some corrosion remains. I'd like to hear from anyone if longer US times in 50/50 vinegar are harmful to a piston. How long is...
  3. rsingler

    WTB: Scubapro Mark V piston

    Looking for a bunch of Mark V pistons, new or used. The newer shouldered style, Part #10.101.003 Will offer excellent terms. They'll go to good homes! I'll consider an entire old Mk5 or Mk7 regulator (in any condition) with that style of piston, if we can work out a price. Thanks!
  4. M

    Titan vs MK10 as everyday warmwater workhorse

    Hi, I'm looking to work as an instructor soon (full-time warm-water) and after getting a bit deeper into the technical side of regs etc. I'm wondering if it would make sense to get a cheap (~55€) used Scubapro MK10 (+R190) set instead of my current Aqualung Titan LX (pre 2008 model, bought new)...
  5. tmassey

    Cleaning Sherwood First Stage Laser Drilled Flow Control

    Hello! I just bought several SRB5300. Of course, every one of them has problems with the dry air bleed. The reason why I bought them was because this model has the laser-drilled flow control unit, which according to the manual can be cleaned! So, I take them all apart. Sure enough, they all...
  6. J

    IP drop in Piston 1st stages vs Diaphragm

    Hi all, Was doing some servicing on a few regs last night in preparation for a trip. I've set the IP of all regs to about 150PSI but when testing the dynamic IP (using a gauge on the LP hose) I noticed a big change in the pressure drop when purging the regs. My Diaphram first stages (Poseidon...
  7. raftingtigger

    Piston 1st IP adjuments simplified

    Examples: shims on the piston spring (not shown) increase X as the shims get thicker shims under the HP seat (or a thicker seat) decrease X shims between the HP seat carrier (not shown) and the regulator body increase X. Do I have this right?
  8. CCRMichael

    Closed: Atomic ST1 yoke sealed regulator

    I have an Atomic Aquatics ST1 first and second stage regulator. It has a sealed first stage. It is a couple years old but had little use since I primarily dive with DIN regulators. The Stainless Steel components make it nearly impossible to corrode and it will last a very long time. I will...
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