Join us on the Damail I to Cenderawasih Bay, Raja Ampat, and points beyond. Travel dates July 22 to August 1, 2021. Book now for a $1000 discount.
This trip will be featuring underwater photography pro Brandi Mueller to offer photo tips and sessions between dives. Bring your camera and be ready...
We have 6 remaining berths on the Blue Force Three to the Red Sea departing November 28. Act Fast!
Double Cabin Main Deck - 2 Berths Double Cabin Lower Deck - 4 Berths
We have a group charter on the Carpe Novo in the Maldives with trip dates November 20-27, 2021. We may have a professional underwater photographer on this trip to offer advice and photo sessions but not yet confirmed.
Route is: North Male - South Male - Vaavu - South Ari - North Male
The Galapagos Master (Blue O 2) is offering 50% off the remaining charters for 2020.
Nov 23 - Dec 3, 2020 16 spaces open 10 Nights start at $3725
Dec 3 - Dec 13, 2020 16 spaces open 10 Nights start at $3725
Dec 14 - Dec 21, 2020 16 spaces open 7 nights start at $2925
Dec 21 - Dec...
Adelaar Liveaboard - Indonesia
Komodo - Alor - Banda Sea - Forgotten Islands
We are now offering the Adelaar Liveaboard to various destinations in Indonesia including Komodo, Alor, Banda Sea, and the Forgotten Islands. This is a luxury ship with only four cabins offering premier service to...
Nautilus Belle Amie
Socorro Islands
November 2nd, 2020 Departure - 9 Days
$1795 PPDO
We have 2 remaining cabins!
The Nautilus Explorer and Undersea have sold out for November.
Nautilus is giving up on the Guadalupe Island Park officials for this year. For months they have been telling us to...
Nautilus Explorer or Nautilus Undersea Liveaboards
Socorro Islands - Depart Cabo San Lucas
$1795 per person 9 Days / 8 Nights - Stateroom
These trips will sell out fast. Contact me if interested.
Nautilus Explorer Dates Nov 10 & Nov 18, 2020
Last Minute Deal
Explorer Ventures is offering the Caribbean Explorer II liveaboard trip departing on October 31, 2020 at a discounted rate of $1395 due to a group cancellation. I am sweetening the deal and adding a $100 agent discount just to get you back in the water...!
This trip normally...
Press Release: Sept 15th, 2020
You heard it right, several liveaboards are off the dock and we’re diving again!
Divers get ready to descend from liveaboard Caribbean Explorer II in...
Rocio del Mar Liveaboard
Midriff Islands, Sea of Cortez
Sept 12-19, 2020
Last Minute Deal $400 OFF
If you really want a dive trip, here is your opportunity!
Published Rate $2695 plus fees
Only 4 Cabins Remaining
Our Offer $2295 plus fees - Save $400
Add: Nitrox $120, shuttle from...
Here's a FLASH SALE deal too good to pass up...
Damai I to Cenderawasih Bay and Points Beyond
* * * Pro Photog Brandi Mueller * * *
July 22 to August 1, 2021
FLASH SALE - One Day Only
Total for 2 Divers $8925 ** Save almost $3000 USD
Saturday, August 15, 2020
This is BOGO...
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