
  1. stphnmartin

    The Banda Sea aboard the MSY Seahorse

    I took a trip aboard the MSY Seahorse in the Banda Sea back in late September/early October. The primary goal of such a trip is to see schooling hammerhead sharks. This was my second attempt and managed to get some good footage of them. It's really quite a challenge to capture them well as you...
  2. Interceptor121

    The importance of underwater white balance for underwater video

    Found the time to do a little write up on my white balance and color balance techniques Hopefully it is useful The importance of Underwater white balance with the Panasonic gh5 THIS POST IS FOR VIDEO SHOOTERS THANK YOU!
  3. BluewaterPhoto

    Comparison Video: GH5, Blackmagic 4k, RED Gemini

    Check out our brand new comparison video! We break down the strengths and weaknesses for three popular cinema cameras. Let us know what you think in the comments!
  4. mobula

    Closed Easydive underwater housing Leo 3 Wi + Panasonic Lumix GH5 with Vlog

    For sale: Esaydive ( aluminum underwater housing Leo3 Wi. The housing works with a patended USB or WLan control system and can be used with varius cameras. A list is available on the manufacturers website. The offered housing is programmed for GH5 s/GH5. A GH5 body is also...
  5. M

    Dugong 4K GH5

    After many attempts, I finally saw a dugong in the Red Sea: No-one knows for sure how many are left in the Red Sea, but probably very few. There don't seem to have been any sightings of juveniles for years, and this one has clearly suffered some sort of injury on its side. Matt
  6. lwang06

    Gh5 + lights?

    Is anyone using a gh5 and video lights. I see a lot of videos using ambient light and custom white balance... I understand for macro a light would be very useful but what about for wide angle ex big schools of fish, sharks at a distance etc? Or are people fixing color post production. I'm not...
  7. flspy

    Best Panasonic GH5 settings for video?

    I have a GH5 and a Nauticam housing. As I am becoming more familiar with both, I am getting overwhelmed by the amount of choices to make when setting up the system. Does Continuous AF work underwater? What AF settings would be best? How about the new stabilization? If anyone has some "best...
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