commercial diving

  1. T

    Commercial diving

    Good day everyone i am a recently certified Dive master (PADI) 26 years old and im looking to gain experience in commercial diving! I am looking to join a school in capetown Seadog commercial diving school (IMCA) or one of the other schools in south africa, but before i take so much money out...
  2. OrcaTorch

    Working Day, Commercial Diving

    Diving Working Day, working with the OrcaTorch Mazu TD01 Dive Headlamp. This dive headlamp is a powerful and efficient tool for commercial diving, and it will be a huge help on the diving expedition. Video from Markos Trakas Learn more about the Mazu TD01 dive headlamp on OrcaTorch...
  3. Marty J

    Military or Commercial Diving?

    Hey guys, I am an active duty service member currently stationed in Sicily, Italy. Also, i am a PADI Divemaster of 7 years. It has come for me to make a decision in my career, to either get out the military or pursue Commercial Diving. What degree and prerequisites would i need? I just want...
  4. D

    Quincy 325 QRB with Honda GX390

    Selling a well taken care of, fully operational Quincy 325QRB with a 40 gallon volume tank and triple filter setup not shown in pictures, but in equal or better condition. I am apart of a commercial diving company and the only reason we are selling is to purchase a portable HP compressor to jam...
  5. jagfish

    Military Diver Interview - Pulmonary Edema, DCI, Hyperbaric Treatment, Helmet diving & more

    Military Diver Interview - Pulmonary Edema, DCI, Hyperbaric Treatment, Helmet diving & more Thankful to interview Navy Diver "Richard" (alias) on the channel speaking about what his diving role is like. It's a thick slice of diving life and covers diving tasks, pulmonary edema, decompression...
  6. R.Gabriel

    Hello from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

    Hello everyone! I have no practical experience of diving. I am an aircraft mechanics student, well, at least I was. Due to the hard times we are going through, I had plenty of time to rethink my future and the career I want. After a lot of thinking, reflecting on the pros and cons and sharing...
  7. DiveHeart

    How can commercial Diving be an opportunity for those with disabilities?

    Can individuals with disabilities participate in commercial diving activities? Let's find out...
  8. S

    For Sale 5XL Dry Suit w/ Thermal Under Suit - Commercial-Grade $300.00

    I am a retired commercial diver, 6 feet 7 inches tall 250 pounds, size 14 shoe. I'm ready to say goodbye to my work uniform! Commercial-Grade Polaris dry suit (size 5XL) and Sub-Gear insulation under suit - must go! Willing to let both go for $300.00. (No. I won't go lower! Don't ask) Will...
  9. A

    I made a commercial diving job board

    Thought I'd post this here just in case it helps anybody out. Trying to gather all the commercial diving jobs in one place so people know where to look when they need work. Commercial Diving Jobs – Your go-to resource for commercial diving jobs Let me know if that helps out.
  10. B

    Toughest wet suit

    Hey all, Let me start out by saying I know I should wear chafing gear. Graduated about 7 years ago from dive school, the we sits I got there has been amazing. I seldom wear chafing gear with it as I'm an inland Dover and constantly in really tight spaces that'll grab whatever loose fabric is...
  11. Diver Webster

    Dry Gloves and Commercial Diving

    I just came across a free Dry glove setup. i was just wondering if any commercial divers use them? my teacher told me he doesnt like them. i dont really trust them either and will probably save them for recreational. but im still wondering if any of you enjoy them
  12. E

    Commercial Diver - Question about pay

    Hello All, I have recently graduated from Divesafe International Commercial Dive training school in Campbell River, BC, Canada with my Unrestricted Occupational Scuba (130ft) and Nitrox Endorsement. I have my first dive job coming up and I had a question about pay. I will be installing...
  13. A

    Divemaster going into commercial diving

    Hello everyone! My name is Adam and I am currently working as a necessary in Colombia. I certified myself here and have continued working since. However I am now considering pushing myself further and turning this into a viable career, I have read about the risks and the fact that Dive master...
  14. T

    is it still a viable choice to go into this career?

    from what i hear there is a mass shortage of jobs, i really like the idea of going into this but i dont want to get out without any jobs.
  15. T

    is there a shortage of job in the commercial diving industry?

    the colleges are shooting out a 90% employment rate but i dont know if you can get a steady stream of jobs...
  16. T

    i want to become a commercial diver, whats the current status of the industry?

    i wish to become a commercial diver, i love the job description, i get that its dangerous, however i see it as the right path in life for me. i am scared of one thing, is it still a viable career path, can you get a steady amount of jobs to keep you a float?
  17. T

    would it be recommended that you take classes in welding before going to dive school?

    im simply trying to get the best results coming out!
  18. J

    Aspiring commercial diver iso advice

    Hello all, new to this forum and relatively new to diving which I so far love to no end. I in fact love it so much I would like to make a career of it, I'm well aware that commercial diving is a whole different world but It makes no difference to me. I recently apiplied and was a week away from...
  19. DiveHeart

    Commercial Diving & People with Disabilities?

    Can People With Disabilities Become Commercial Divers??? Stay Tuned...With the Help of Diveheart & Kids Scuba Malaysia, the Answer is YES....
  20. DiveHeart

    Jobs In Zero Gravity For People Of All Abilities...

    Vocational opportunities in zero gravity for those with disabilities exists thanks to collaborative efforts by TWI, Charles Rowe, Blue Water Engineering, Kids Scuba, PSP (People Supporting People) & Diveheart. "Imagine the Possibilities " is not just a slogan it's a way of life for Diveheart &...
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