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  1. Fogest

    Slinging a 40cf pony on a BCD without many D rings

    I have this BCD here (see image below): I am looking to get a 20cf or 40cf tank to sling as a bailout tank but I'm not sure the best way to mount them with my BCD. I'd like to sling it like I see Dale doing on this post here: Pony bottle mounting options? Given that I really don't have any...
  2. Fogest

    Serous Otitis Media -- Causing a lot of ear infections

    Hello, For the past month I kept getting ear infections a few days after I had just been diving. I was trying ear drops and it just was not going away, and would only naturally go away with time, until the next time I went diving. So finally after being a lot of pain this past week I went to...
  3. Fogest

    Dive buddy around Waterloo Region?

    Hello, I am looking for someone that is interested in diving with me. I am in the Waterloo region and would like to go diving around the area. I don't have a buddy to go with. I am fairly newly certified however I do have a lot of confined pool time as well as am fairly confident in my abilities...
  4. Fogest

    Solved: Did the chat change?

    Maybe I am just losing it or my browser is messed up but today when I went onto the chat I noticed the chatbot seems to annouce people entering the room now, and we lost a lot of options in the chat. I can't change things like my chat colour. I also am no longer getting sound notifications...
  5. Fogest

    How To Equalize With Methods Other Than The Valsalva?

    I have been having issues in the pool when I get down to 12ft with the pressure on my ears. When I perform the Valsalva maneuver it works but I seem unable to get my right ear to equalize. I still feel the pressure on it. I am quite confident that this will be a bigger issue once I get to the OW...
  6. Fogest

    7mm Wetsuit In A Indoor Pool?

    Hey, I'm still going through my open water training in a pool and I'm wondering if it is a good idea to get a wetsuit now so that I can start getting used to the buoyancy while wearing a wetsuit, rather than having to try and figure that out later during the open water checkout weekend? My only...
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