A valid point, but what about “Mary” that is a Photographer and likes to stake out critters with her Camera and get up close and personal? The bubble free and adjustable PO2 may make her interested in long dives at recreational depths.As I see it, among the "recreational divers/hobbyists" would be "Joe," who finished OW last week, and is debating whether to spit in his mask before diving Molasses Reef in FL.
And then there's "Bill," who's doing trimix gas planning for a rebreather dive — photogrammetry on a wreck at 110m, using a DPV to keep exertion/WOB reasonable.
Neither is getting paid; both can be called "hobbyists" — but these are different dives, and different kinds of divers.
I'm not sure exactly how it plays out with vocabulary, but we're talking about a non-trivial distinction here.
“Joe” in a couple of years may realize he likes his two tank weekend dives but loves the idea of making it a single four hour dive. He’s seen Mary and Bill at the dive shop and has gear envy. He has money, time and experience. He doesn’t need it, but the cost has come down, the training is available, Why not?
One of my favorite dive sites has a 15 minute surface swim, another 15-minutes on the bottom to get to the interesting parts and you get around 20 minutes to explore the interesting part before heading back in. There are places that are just too far to go on a single tank. The depth is only around 40-50’. Gas limitations are always the controlling factor, not deco.
The future of the rebreather is lower cost, higher reliability, ease of use and ease of maintenance. All the technological changes in diving have come with additional training, additional costs. In the 1950s, your tank came with a manual, most people read the booklet and hardly any of them died…
Some Dive computers cost more than than the combined cost of all other gear. Why do people pay for them? The extra cost gives them extra utility. To take advantage of that extra utility, you need extra training. Almost everyone gets nitrox certified these days, most don’t really need it. I only dive nitrox on vacation. Most people have only a rudimentary understanding of nitrox, but with a the ability of setting a computer correctly, they don’t need more than that.