NB: I'm not sure the best forum to post this in so moderators should feel free to move it.
I just got back from a two week trip with Becky Kagan Schott @ Liquid Productions aboard the M/V Hondius in the Antarctic. We went to both the east and west side of the Antarctic Peninsula and below the Antarctic Circle. We visited Elephant Island, Devil Island, Deception Island, Brown Bluff and a few other places. It was an incredible trip.
I wrote a trip summary that details flights, logistics, the boat, diving, etc. I will create detailed blog posts with pictures for each location both above and below water. Needless to say, it was stunning.
Photo below is me on an iceberg taken by Becky.
I just got back from a two week trip with Becky Kagan Schott @ Liquid Productions aboard the M/V Hondius in the Antarctic. We went to both the east and west side of the Antarctic Peninsula and below the Antarctic Circle. We visited Elephant Island, Devil Island, Deception Island, Brown Bluff and a few other places. It was an incredible trip.
I wrote a trip summary that details flights, logistics, the boat, diving, etc. I will create detailed blog posts with pictures for each location both above and below water. Needless to say, it was stunning.

Trip Report : Antarctica (Mar 2023)
Photo Credit : Becky Kagan Schott Background I spent from Mar 11 – Mar 28, 2023 on a trip to Antarctica on board the M/V Hondius with Becky Kagan Schott from Liquid Productions and Faith Orti…

Photo below is me on an iceberg taken by Becky.