Trip Report Itza Resort. March 2022

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We knew we wanted to try staying on Long Caye, but were not sure which resort. With a bit of trepidation, I let my dive buddy choose the resort, prioritizing being on the beach over the recommendations on SB for Huracan resorts. Overall staying at Itza was great and I would / will return. I'm not really a hang out on the beach person, but I did enjoy sitting in the restaurant / bar looking out at the ocean. I did find the mosquitos worse inland when walking past Huracan, but I didn't end up going in, so take that with a grain of salt.

Itza was not very busy during the two weeks we were there; it peaked at about 8-10 guests and for the last 5 days we were the only two guests. From my perspective this was great, but people who are more into a social scene might not appreciate it as much. Certainly it meant the dive boat was never crowded, and we often had a "private guide". Of course in the future business may pick up (hopefully for the resort to stay in business).

The dive operation was friendly and professional: very much into the "valet diving" concept. The rigs are in a rack at the back of the boat, so if you are an obsessive gear fiddler like me, you have to remember to go to the boat between dives. The divemasters were all great. Both Jeff and Chris were very laid back (which as a lazy photographer I appreciated). Elvis (the resort manager) was more ambitious in terms of covering ground, but it often paid off in terms of finding critters.

Diving was as good as any I've done in the Caribbean. I'll let my pictures stand in [1] for detailed descriptions. We did 3 dives most days, including a couple night dives. For the last 4 or 5 days we spent the morning doing exploratory diving, just the two of us, and two crew heading off to potential new sites. This was good fun, and added to the "adventure" feel. Most dives were single tank, due to closeness to the resort. We did head over to Half Moon Caye a few times. The visibility was not great, so we actually preferred diving Long Caye. It was cool to get up close to the feeding green turtles on Half Moon, and the nesting bird viewing platform is worth going to at least once.

Food was simple but good. Lots of seafood. There is nominally snacks between meals, but sometimes we had to stick our heads in the kitchen and ask.

Accomodations were a bit rustic, but overall fine. There is no AC, which I only really noticed on the last night when I _might_ have drunk too much rum. The "semi-composting" toilets were OK, but there was one or two occasions when there was some odour right around the toilet; it wasn't a problem in the rest of the room, or even on the other side of the bathroom.

[1]: Itza Resort, Belize, March 2022
EDIT: If that link doesn't work, try Itza Resort, Belize, March 2022
There is no AC
Wouldn't work for me, but glad to see a report on it since AC isn't as important to some people. How many dives did you get over the 2 weeks you were there? Was that about the right about of time for you? Do you plan to go back?

Since you prioritized being on the beach, but aren't a beach person, can you tell us more about how good a beach it was? Did it look like a gentle sandy slope out into the water where people would wade out? I'm not much that, but some people are, and it might be of interest. That, and some people like strolling along long, sandy beaches.
Wouldn't work for me, but glad to see a report on it since AC isn't as important to some people. How many dives did you get over the 2 weeks you were there? Was that about the right about of time for you? Do you plan to go back?

Since you prioritized being on the beach, but aren't a beach person, can you tell us more about how good a beach it was? Did it look like a gentle sandy slope out into the water where people would wade out? I'm not much that, but some people are, and it might be of interest. That, and some people like strolling along long, sandy beaches.
I guess it would be more accurate to say we prioritized being right on the ocean; rocks would have been fine with us.

The beach is carved out from the mangrove swamp, so it basically is the length of the resort. Not tiny, but not suitable for e.g. beach runs. There were definitely people wading out from the beach while I was there, including holding toddlers, so I think it's fairly gentle. While we were there there was a fair amount of sargassum washing up. This was cleaned up, and part of some re-inforcement scheme involving seaweed. I guess if it goes to plan the beach will get a bit bigger (in terms of distance from the waterline to the edge of non-beach land).
Wouldn't work for me, but glad to see a report on it since AC isn't as important to some people. How many dives did you get over the 2 weeks you were there? Was that about the right about of time for you? Do you plan to go back?
Elvis did mention the possibility of installing a portable air conditioner and covering the windows with plastic. I'm not sure this would be to your taste either, but you could always discuss it.
Apologies, I missed some of your questions. We did 37-38 dives over two weeks. Yes, March is a good right time of year, but that as much about late Canadian spring as anything else. Water temperature was about 80F, which meant I was ok in my old worn out 2/3mm full suit. We do plan to go back at some point.
Hi @d^2b

Thanks for the excellent report. As I recently returned from a week on the Belize Aggressor IV, April 9-16, I found it particularly interesting. I knew there are a couple of resorts on Long Caye, but do not know much about them. Seems like I have read a little more about Huracan on SB. How were your rides out and back from Belize City to Lighthouse Reef?

It was quite windy during our trip, we only did two dives near Half Moon Caye, both at Half Moon Caye Wall. Those were probably the best two dives of the trip. I would imagine you did more dives in that area, is that right? You probably dived many of the same Long Caye sites that we did, Long Caye Ridge, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Cathedral, Quebrada, Aquarium, and Silver Caves. We did 4 dives at Turneffe, 2 on the way out and 2 on the way back. The dives at Lighthouse Reef were better. We did not have stellar visibility, about 40-60 feet.

Did you do Blue Hole? I found that dive a waste of good dive time. I would pass on it if I had the chance. However, I agree with you, the land tour of Half Moon Caye was worth the time. The Red Footed Boobies and Frigatebirds from the observation tower were magnificent.

Thanks again for the great report
How were your rides out and back from Belize City to Lighthouse Reef?
about 1:45 on the way out, 1:30 on the way back. The way out was bouncier than the way back; some combination of different boat and weather. The second half of the trip (from Turneffe to Lighthouse was the bounciest, and they recommended people put their phones away to avoid spray. I was a little damp, but not miserable.
It was quite windy during our trip, we only did two dives near Half Moon Caye, both at Half Moon Caye Wall. Those were probably the best two dives of the trip. I would imagine you did more dives in that area, is that right? You probably dived many of the same Long Caye sites that we did, Long Caye Ridge, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Cathedral, Quebrada, Aquarium, and Silver Caves.
Yep, we did those and a few others. I got a bit lazy about keeping track of dive sites. The usual method was "let's just cruise around for 5 or 10 minutes and see where the viz looks best".

Did you do Blue Hole? I found that dive a waste of good dive time. I would pass on it if I had the chance.
We passed on the blue hole dive that happened during our first week (and there was none the second week, because it was just us). We still managed to get 3 dives in that day if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the report. I would think that Itza might be a bit better than Huracan in terms of mosquitoes since the rooms are closer to the ocean rather than inland as in the case of Huracan. Would you agree?
Thanks for the report. I would think that Itza might be a bit better than Huracan in terms of mosquitoes since the rooms are closer to the ocean rather than inland as in the case of Huracan. Would you agree?
That's my impression, but I only walked by Huracan a few times, so I might have misunderstood the situation.
Great report and pictures, thank you for posting. Sounds like a very good trip, and you racked up a nice dive count. I love those friendly grouper and the turtle shots. I am always happy when the animals seem at ease.
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