Member Supported Manufacturer's Forums

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Just a diver
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ScubaBoard Supporter
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Mendocino, CA USA
A considerable number of manufacturer's forums have been taken offline over of ScubaBoard's history. After many requests and much discussion they have all been restored under the Member Supported Manufacturers forum. It can be found in the Diving Gear Manufacturers category.

This gives members access to the archives in addition to allowing them to support each other. Some brands have ceased operations, some have merged, and some manufacturers restructured their support activity but their products are still in use.

I know and I thought that their forum content would be moved to the new forum since they haven't had any presence on SB for years now (why they don't will probably take few threads to discuss). Perhaps I am misunderstood your posts above, my apologies.
The manufacturer subforum setup is very confusing. It looks like the "Q&A for Scuba Manufacturers" subforums were originally created only at manufacturer request? And then when the manufacturer cut support, some of the forums were removed completely, others continued with just member support, and at least one was left in place but locked. Now you've resurrected the removed forums, but some are locked and some are open for new posts. What's the difference?

I think Scubaboard should make up its mind about what it wants out of manufacturer forums and then apply it consistently. For example, I'll offer three alternatives:

Option A: Reps or Archive
Keep 2 categories, but only those manufacturers who have reps that actively respond to posts go into the Q&A category. Everything else goes into an Archived Manufacturer category that is viewable and searchable, but is locked for new posts.

I prefer this one as it eliminates confusion over what these forums are for. Questions for reps go to the appropriate Q&A forum and everything else goes to the appropriate Equipment forum.

Option B: Reps or Member Responses
Same as A except all the non-rep forums are opened.

Option C: One category
There's just one category for manufacturers, whether the manufacturer participates or not. All forums are open.
And then when the manufacturer cut support, some of the forums were removed completely, others continued with just member support, and at least one was left in place but locked.

This all happened over a very long time and I don't understand all of the evolution myself — I doubt that anyone recalls every detail. Which forum or forums are still locked? I can fix that.

Maybe @TC can shed more light on the history. I "suspect" that some companies didn't notify anyone on ScubaBoard that they were reassigning or eliminating their social media support staff.

In any case, the easiest way to find a manufacturer's name in ScubaBoard's Forum list is to use your browser's Find feature. That will jump to the name so you don't have to know if it is in Q&A for Scuba Manufacturers or Member Supported Manufacturers.

All the forum names "should" be in alphabetical order, but that is not sorted automatically so there may be errors. The sort order has to be manually assigned and was done by an unknown number of Staff members over an unknow number of years. It is bound to be imperfect but I will try to make corrections as they are discovered.

I think Scubaboard should make up its mind about what it wants out of manufacturer forums and then apply it consistently. For example, I'll offer three alternatives:

I think that we all agree that it would be desirable but the logistics of verifying the current participation of each manufacturer is beyond the capacity of our volunteer group.

Unfortunately, merging them into one forum would be very labor intensive and time consuming. Each forum has to be moved individually and manually assigned a sort-order number. Moving a forum isn't instant. It can take 2-20 minutes each depending on the number of posts because every related database entry is (automatically) modified. You have to wait for the system to complete the move before you can start another.
This all happened over a very long time and I don't understand all of the evolution myself — I doubt that anyone recalls every detail. Which forum or forums are still locked? I can fix that.
Locked "Member Supported" forums:
Atomic Aquatics

Locked "Q&A" Forums
Deep 6

But see my point at the end.

In any case, the easiest way to find a manufacturer's name in ScubaBoard's Forum list is to use your browser's Find feature. That will jump to the name so you don't have to know if it is in Q&A for Scuba Manufacturers or Member Supported Manufacturers.
It doesn't show up if you are browsing on a phone. Have you looked at your visitor stats lately? What percentage of your users are still visiting the site via a desktop or laptop?

Anyway this misses the point that it if you are asking about a specific product, it is confusing to have 2 forums where it is equally valid to ask the question. For example should a question about a Scubapro reg go in the Scubapro forum or the regs forum?

It's even more confusing if you post thinking you are going to get a response from the manufacturer - because that's what the board is telling you: "Q&A for Scuba Manufacturers - A place where SB users can communicate directly with manufacturers of scuba equipment and accessories!" - but all you get is a bunch of squabbling between people with no apparent connection to anything.

I think that we all agree that it would be desirable but the logistics of verifying the current participation of each manufacturer is beyond the capacity of our volunteer group.

Unfortunately, merging them into one forum would be very labor intensive and time consuming. Each forum has to be moved individually and manually assigned a sort-order number. Moving a forum isn't instant. It can take 2-20 minutes each depending on the number of posts because every related database entry is (automatically) modified. You have to wait for the system to complete the move before you can start another.
That suggests the underlying database scheme was poorly designed. I run a phpBB board with a similar number of posts and moving a subforum from one category to another is nearly instantaneous.

And again, that should be besides the point. When I'm managing my site, I always do it with the understanding that whatever I do potentially affects my 70,000 visitors a day (on average). It's worth a few hours of my time if I can meaningfully improve the experience of some of the hundreds of thousands of hours of my members' time each week.

Right now you have a confusing mess, including actually misleading forum categories, and if it were my site it would bother me so much I would just have to fix it. There are of course, multiple ways to address this, but here's what I would do if this were my site.

1. Identify which sites have active reps. This won't take that long since many of the forums in "Q&A" have had no posts in over a year. For the rest, delete them (see #2) or move them to the other category which I would rename to something like "Archived Manufacturer Q&A".

2. Go through the Archived subforums and for those with fewer than a given number of threads, move the threads to the appropriate Diving Gear forum and then delete that subforum. If you set the minimum at 20 threads, this will get rid of almost 2/3rds of the subforums. Even setting it at 10 will be over half.

3. Lock all the Archived subforums. Leave a note under the Archived description that manufacturers can contact you to get their forum moved back to "Q&A". Also explain that current discussions should go under the relevant equipment or travel category.

I'll be happy to help if you do decide to do some sort of clean up of these forums/categories.
Locked "Member Supported" forums:
Atomic Aquatics

Locked "Q&A" Forums
Deep 6

Let me look into these to make sure there wasn't some agreement with the manufacturer. If not, I will unlock them.

It doesn't show up if you are browsing on a phone.

You should be able to get to your browser's Find function on a smart phone. Most that I have seen can be accessed from a vertical or horizontal ellipses (3 dots) menu.

Standby on the rest. Many decisions are above my pay grade.
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