Lubricate threads on 1st stage reg?

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Packing my scuba gear for storage until my next trip (in 4 months.)

Everything is rinsed in fresh water and thoroughly dried.

Wondering if I should put any sort of oil or lubricant on the threads of my first stage regs. If so, then what sort?

(I have noticed that there is a tiny bit of brown corrosion on the threads.)

What says the hive mind?
What threads are you referring to? The threads where your hoses attach? On a fully assembled reg, there really aren't any exposed threads on the first stage. As such, you don't really need to lube anything prior to storage. Just make sure your reg has been soaked and well-rinsed in freshwater prior to storage. If you do a good rinse/soak after every dive, it'll minimize the effects of corrosion. When you have your reg serviced, any internal corrosion can be dealt with at that time.
The threads that screw into the tank. It's a DIN first stage, and there are threads for either screwing into the tank valve or (more often,) screwing into my DIN to Yoke adapter.

What threads are you referring to?
The DIN threads should not need lubricant if they are clean and dry. Give them a lick to see if there is any salt residue left. Kidding (maybe). Make sure they are cleaned and dried after licking them.

If there is anything on the threads you think is "not clean," hit it with a soft toothbrush, being careful not to get any water in the reg.
The threads that screw into the tank. It's a DIN first stage, and there are threads for either screwing into the tank valve or (more often,) screwing into my DIN to Yoke adapter.

I put a very small film of silicone grease on my finger and thumb and rub it around the male threads before I reinstall the hoses after service but that's all. It doesn't help preserve anything just reduces the friction on the threads during assembly. If it were mine I'd use a toothbrush and some vinegar and water on the surfaces I don't like, then rinse with fresh water.
Whoops, sorry, wasn't thinking about the DIN connection! I usually just wipe mine down with freshwater and dry it. You will get a little corrosion over time, but again, it should be minimal. The corrosion that does accumulate, can be dealt with at service time. If it does get bad for some reason, you can (as mentioned above), use a little vinegar and a toothbrush. With vinegar though, you don't want to leave it on the reg or it could damage the coating. The other thing to consider with lubricants is your breathing gas. Many lubricants, including silicone, are not compatible with nitrox. In reality, most lubes aren't likely to present a problem with low-level nitrox mixes. The richer the mix you are running through your tanks, the more important the lubricant becomes. For me personally, any lube that does go on my regs is Oxygen compatible (tribolube or Christolube). The only down side is that they are expensive.
I put a very small film of silicone grease on my finger and thumb and rub it around the male threads before I reinstall the hoses after service but that's all.

Eeeek! No. You mean oxygen compatible grease I hope! That's the white stuff marked as oxygen compatible.
+1 with toothbrush and vinegar
No, no lube on DIN threads. It will be dust and sand and dirt magnet if you do. Leave it alone an don't fondle it with lube after rinsing it. Just hugs and dry kisses until use in diving.
Eeeek! No. You mean oxygen compatible grease I hope! That's the white stuff marked as oxygen compatible.

Only on the HP side. I don't use nitrox. I'll let you know if I blowup. Haven't yet but I still have a few more years at least.

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